Welcome to InboxFlows

Collect emails without the clutter

We’ve been curating our email collection for years.

Use InboxFlows to elevate your next campaign with access to the content, design, and timing strategy of leading brands and thousands of their email variations

Emails from 350+ brands and growing

Meet the team behind InboxFlows

We’ve been in the email game a while.

It’s our mission to make marketing easier for entrepreneurs. We’re Delivra, an email and messaging automation platform.

We power meaningful interactions between businesses and their customers. Through features like drag & drop email design, smart segmentation, A/B testing, and hundreds of powerful automation tools – as well as creative support from our team when you need it – we’ve got a track record of unrivaled customer success.

View Delivra
Person looking at a laptop while drinking coffee

Why did we make this?

We provide straightforward email solutions.

Instead of subscribing to a hundred newsletters and email lists, you can access thousands of ideas and variations without overwhelming your inbox.

Whether you’re using our drag & drop editor or creating a custom template, a crucial part of the process is being inspired by other creators. We wanted to build a free, all-access resource for entrepreneurs and marketers to monitor how other brands were timing, designing, and writing their email campaigns.

Ready for your next campaign?

Get inspired by trending designs and content from your industry and direct your favourites to customizable, on-platform inboxes.

We integrated purpose-built features like automated screenshots, team-sharing, and multi-inbox channels so you can search and share seamlessly. Check out our How it Works page to learn how you can take advantage of everything InboxFlows has to offer.

Your email inbox isn’t made for market research, so we made a tool that is.

The best part? It’s completely free.

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