
The "emails" section from Page Flows has now been moved to this site.

Most Page Flows customers only really care about the user flow videos and emails attached to them. Only a few customers ever looked at the emails section of the site.

Instead of deleting the vast and growing archive of email screenshots from top brands, I moved them to a separate site that I could improve, specifically with email marketers and email marketing research in mind.

If you are a Page Flows customer, you can get full access to Inbox Flows at no extra cost. Head to your Page Flows account to find an invite code you can use to access Inbox Flows.

You can share your invite code with a friend or teammate if you don't want to use it.

If you have feedback about Inbox Flows or have ideas about the direction I should take it in, I'd love to hear from you.

Please email me at or get in touch on Twitter.