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                       Just fade away
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                     Fades and cross-fades are fundamental to smoothing over your edits in whatever kind of audio or video story you’re telling. Even jump-cut junkies should at least know how fades work. So thank goodness we’ve got a
                     <a style="text-decoration: underline; color: #009d9b; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank">
                     on fades, both cross- and regular, over on YouTube.
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                       Get back to basics
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                     Last week we did a live-stream where Kevin O’Connell, a pro creator and Descript Product Specialist, broke down all the basics of creating in Descript. You can
                     <a style="text-decoration: underline; color: #009d9b; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank">
                      watch it here
                     . Kevin provided refreshers on the full spectrum of Descript capabilities, and the video is divided into chapters so you can easily jump to the stuff you need to brush up on (or see for the first time — there’s probably stuff in there you didn’t know about).
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                       Stay in the flow
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                    <p style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; line-height: inherit; margin: 0;">
                     On June 1 we’ll be unveiling new shortcuts to and from Descript from some popular recording, live-streaming, and hosting services. You’ll be able to jump between Riverside, Squadcast, Restream, Captivate (one at a time), and Descript in a single click. No more of this endless importing and exporting as you move between apps.
                     <a style="text-decoration: underline; color: #009d9b; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank">
                      Register here
                     to hear how it works and get some insight on streamlining your recording, editing, and
 episode-updating workflows.
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                       Speaking of flow
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                    <p style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; line-height: inherit; margin: 0;">
                     Now you can export your podcast directly from Descript to Podbean (plus a whole
                     <a style="text-decoration: underline; color: #009d9b; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank">
                      bunch of others
                     ), if that’s where you host. In addition to the usual hosting, syndication, and data services, Podbean offers a pretty unique monetization platform — you can create revenue streams from advertising, subscriptions, Patreon-style donations, or live-event ticket sales — starting at $9/month.
                     <a style="text-decoration: underline; color: #009d9b; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank">
                      Here’s how
                     to export directly from Descript.
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