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                  MOTHER'S DAY
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                  FOR KIDS
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                 For 365 days of clinking glasses over patchy wifi, baking together (but cleaning up solo) and finding joy in the ups and downs, there are 365 reasons to say “Happy Mother’s Day”. So we made a heartwarming short film that celebrates every magnificent mum and the extraordinary year they've had. Tissues at the ready, people...
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                     WATCH THE FILM »
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                        BEST MOTHER’S DAY GIFTS »
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                     <img alt="Personalised Engraved Floral Initial Locket Necklace" border="0" class="wf" height="auto" src="" style="display: block; border: 0; width:100%; height:auto;" width="279"/>
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                        PERSONALISED GIFTS »
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                        GIFTS FOR GRANDMA »
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                     <img alt="Personalised Mother's Day Queen Card" border="0" class="wf" height="auto" src="" style="display: block; border: 0; width:100%; height:auto;" width="279"/>
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                        MOTHER’S DAY CARDS »
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