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                   New free course: COVID-19 Contact Tracing
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                    Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
                   As the world responds to the COVID-19 pandemic, public health experts have identified contact tracing as a key strategy for limiting the spread of the virus. Contact tracers help provide guidance to COVID-19 patients and also warn contacts of exposure to help stop chains of transmission. In this free course, you’ll get an introduction to the basics of COVID-19 and learn how to implement case investigations as a contact tracer.
                    In this course, you’ll:
                   <ul style="padding: 20px 20px 15px 25px; margin: 0;">
                    <li style="padding-bottom: 5px; padding-right: 5px">
                     Gain an understanding of COVID-19, including symptoms, case fatality rates, infectious and incubation periods, risk factors, and transmission
                    <li style="padding-bottom: 5px">
                     Learn how to ethically implement case investigations and interview people during the contact tracing process
                    <li style="padding-bottom: 5px">
                     Understand the challenges of contact tracing and the technologies used in this effort
                   Whether you’re interested in becoming a contact tracer or you just want to understand the process, you’ll learn important public health information in this free course. Get started today.
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                  Digital Product Management Specialization
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                  University of Virginia
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                  Infectious Disease Modelling Specialization
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                  Imperial College London
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                  Business English Communication Skills Specialization
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                  University of Washington
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                  Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate
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                 <img alt="Leading" src="" style="display: block; width:100%;" width="305"/>
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                  Leading People and Teams Specialization
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                  University of Michigan
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                 <img alt="Social Media" src="" style="display: block; width:100%;" width="305"/>
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                  Social Media Marketing Specialization
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                  Northwestern University
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                  Learning to Teach Online
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                  UNSW Sydney
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                 <img alt="Artificial Intelligence" src="" style="display: block; width:100%;" width="305"/>
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                  AI for Everyone
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                  Google IT Support Professional Certificate
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                 <img alt="Psychology" src="" style="display: block; width:100%;" width="305"/>
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                  Introduction to Psychology
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                  Yale University
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                  Improve Your English Communication Skills Specialization
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                  Georgia Institute of Technology
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