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                    Bank Holiday Treats: The Fenwick Favourites
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                    Our Bank Holiday Treats shopping event runs from Thursday 23rd to Tuesday 28th May with savings of up to 30% off* fashion and home, and 10% off* beauty, both in-store and online. To help you work out which wondrous treats to snap up, we've rounded up the top offers you won't want to miss...
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                       Three Floor
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                       24th May 2019
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                        Sunny Side Up: Sunglasses to Suit Your Face Shape
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                       Finding sunglasses to suit your face can be tricky – and don’t worry, we’ve all tried on a few pairs that have made us recoil in horror. So, to help you choose a stylish and complementary combination, we’ve decoded which frames will suit each different face shape, so you can easily find the yin to your yang.
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                       8th May 2019
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                        Party Perfect Occasionwear: As Chosen by Alice Naylor-Leyland
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                       When it comes to parties, Alice Naylor-Leyland certainly knows a thing or two. When it comes to dressing for parties, however, she knows an awful lot more. Here, the writer, designer, influencer and It Girl shares some of her favourite dresses and occasionwear, now available to buy online.
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                       21st May 2019
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                        Men’s Holiday Guide: From Poolside to Seaside
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                       With your hotel booked and your passport found, you're ready to start packing for your long-awaited holiday in the sun. And whether you're by the pool or by the beach, you can rest and relax in style with our handy list of holiday essentials for your suitcase.
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                        8th May 2019
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                         Party Perfect Occasionwear: As Chosen by Alice Naylor-Leyland
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                        When it comes to parties, Alice Naylor-Leyland certainly knows a thing or two. When it comes to dressing for parties, however, she knows an awful lot more. Here, the writer, designer, influencer and It Girl shares some of her favourite dresses and occasionwear, now available to buy online.
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                       Renowned for creating gloriously whimsical centre pieces and table settings with her effortless fairy tale charm, we asked Alice Naylor-Leyland to curate the key home accessories for styling your summer season with the same grandeur.
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