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                      To celebrate
                       National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
                      , we're giving away
                       free cookies
                      to everyone who claims our
                        <a style="color:#07415B; text-decoration:none;">
                         6 meals for $36 offer*
                      Hurry and order by midnight to cook up our celebrated
                       Blackened Top Sirloin Steaks with Mashed Potatoes &amp; Baby Carrots, Vietnamese Steamed Barramundi with Broccoli &amp; Jasmine Rice
                      , and more!
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                         Get 6 meals for $36 now*
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                       This promotion is valid online only at on your first week’s box of three recipes with servings for two, totaling six meals. To redeem, visit URL above, or enter code HURRY36 at checkout. Discount is valid on new subscription accounts only and cannot be applied retroactively to previously placed orders. Only one account per household. Offer applies only to the first week of a subscription, and each subsequent delivery is billed at full price.
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                               Cook up happiness in 15 minutes.
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