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                      Faster, Simpler Character Animation
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                      Animation shouldn't take forever. Join Fraser Davidson for a new, easy-to-follow class on the power of Duik—today's most versatile (and free) After Effects plugin. By the end, you'll have a workflow for animating more efficiently, plus your own memorable character!
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                     Turn Handmade Designs Into Digital Patterns
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                     Join graphic designers Evgeniya and Dominic Righini-Brand for an all-levels look at how handmade marks can transform your digital pattern designs! You'll learn new tips and tricks for adding experimental marks to digital works to make your designs stand out.
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                     Master Client Negotiations
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                     Talking about money with clients can be hard, but it is a vital skill for any working creative. That's why illustrator Jesse LeDoux is here to share his 20 years of experience in negotiating and pricing your work so you can make the most of your creative career!
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