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                       Showcasing Sekonda Midnight Blue &amp; Sekonda Ladies' Crystal Silver Tone Watch!
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                        ENGAGEMENT RINGS
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                     Sekonda Sponsors The All New Monty 2019 on ITV!
                   <span style="font-size: 15px; color:#7a7a7a">
                    Sekonda is the proud sponsor of the All New Monty 2019 on ITV! Sekonda Midnight Blue and Sekonda Ladies' Crystal Silver Tone Watch will be showcased during the two programmes, Who Bares Wins and Ladies' Night, on the 6th and 7th May.
                     Don't forget to tune into ITV to see the All New Monty 2019 sponsored by Sekonda!
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                        Sekonda Gents
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                         The Sekonda gents collection features a range of stylish and functional watches for men. From multi-function strap designs to dual-time bracelet models, there is something for every man in the Sekonda gents range.
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                        Sekonda Ladies'
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                         The Sekonda ladies collection showcases a distinctive range of feminine women's watches. Featuring delicate bracelet styles to elegant stone set pieces, you are sure to fall in love with a Sekonda ladies timepiece.
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                        Editions Collection
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                         For fun and exciting fashion, try the Sekonda Editions range featuring the stunning Tree of Life Design collection - stylish strap watches beautifully embellished with the Tree of Life Design.
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