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               It’s your Finimize analyst team here.
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                🌎 The World This Week
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               The experts have spoken – well, three of them, anyway. Bloomberg recently sat down with three investing pros who have seen the market through its best and worst days, and found out how they’re investing this year. So from ditching the 60/40 to undiscovered AI plays to commodities, let’s
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                find out where three pros see major opportunities in 2024
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               Reda’s been looking into ways to play the AI trend, too. And recently, it’s electricity that’s (ahem) sparked his interest. The US is expected to guzzle up bolts of the stuff over the coming months and years, as it fuels the thousands of data centers that give AI its brain power. So for investors who want to go beyond Nvidia and Microsoft,
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                these electricity stocks could be the place to look
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               Now, electricity might not be in your regular wheelhouse. Hey, the same goes for commodities or bonds, too. But as Russell pointed out, a familiar pastime might be able to help you build a heavy-hitting portfolio:
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                here’s how fantasy football can help you become a better investor
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               There’s one thing football definitely can’t help you with, though: understanding government debt. Sure, the basics are easy to grasp, but once you get into the jargon, the politics, and the implications, it’s enough to make you swap the laptop for some mind-soothing Love Is Blind. But what football can’t do, Stéphane can:
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                here’s what a little-known theory, related to debt, can tell you about inflation
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               Enjoy the rest of your weekend and stay classy ✌️
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               Your Finimize Analyst team
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                📍 Be in the right place at the right time.
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               And by right place, we mean right here:
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                promote your brand to reach hundreds of thousands of sharp, active investors
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