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   How to post like Gen Z (so they won't make fun of you). If you're more than like 25 years old, posting on TikTok can be terrifying.
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                    TikTok tips for the old (25+) crowd
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                    If you're more than like 25 years old, posting on TikTok can be terrifying. Like walking into a darkened alley in a strange city, but instead of purse-snatchers and pickpockets, you'll be assaulted by a bunch of surly teenagers.
                   <p style="box-sizing: border-box; line-height: inherit; margin: 0 0 16px;">
                    Because on TikTok, Gen Z rules. They set the tone, anoint the trends, and pick the winners. And while they certainly might mock you (which might at least be kind of funny), the bigger risk is they'll just ignore you — and your content won't get any traction.
                   <p style="box-sizing: border-box; line-height: inherit; margin: 0;">
                    In hopes of helping you avoid that fate, we've asked a successful TikTok creator for their
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                     advice to millennials, Gen-X, and boomers posting on TikTok
                    . TL;DR: brevity and authenticity go a long way.
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                    Also helpful, maybe
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                       Podcast launch checklist
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                      You're ready to launch a new podcast. But did you set up a website? A trailer?
                      <em style="box-sizing: border-box;">
                       Did you even make a list of similar pods for promos and guest swaps?
                      Come on!
                      <em style="box-sizing: border-box;">
                      But we get it, it's a lot. Here's a handy
                      <span style="color: #009d9b; box-sizing: border-box;">
                       <a rel="noopener" style="text-decoration: underline; color: #009d9b; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank">
                        podcast launch checklist
                      to give your show its best shot at finding listeners.
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                    <img alt="Video for fiction pods" class="fullMobileWidth" src="" style="display: block; height: auto; width: 188px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; border: 0;" title="Video for fiction pods" width="188"/>
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                       Video for fiction pods
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                      With billions of eyeballs (including pets) watching YouTube, everybody (including us) is haranguing podcasters to include video. But what if you have a fiction show? We looked at 21 fiction pods that have found smart ways to do video.
                      <span style="color: #009d9b; box-sizing: border-box;">
                       <a rel="noopener" style="text-decoration: underline; color: #009d9b; box-sizing: border-box;" target="_blank">
                        Here's how they cracked it
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                    Flawless transcripts, fast and easy
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                    <img alt="Correcting your transcripts" class="big" src="" style="display: block; height: auto; width: 440px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; border: 0;" title="Correcting your transcripts" width="440"/>
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                    No transcription service — human or AI— is or ever will be perfect. You'll always have to correct for names, weird technical terms, words that sound like other words, and deeply held personal beliefs about punctuation. So we've embraced that reality and made correcting your transcript super easy, fast, and intuitive.
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                     Let Ramdy show you how
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                     If you're new to Descript, or need a primer on the lastest changes, this is a perfect first step. Descript maestro Kevin O'Connell will show you around, give some demos, and introduce a basic workflow on
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                      Friday, May 5.
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                      Interview podcasts — a killer workflow
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                      You can make an interview podcast, from transcription to publishing and making social media clips — without leaving Descript. Learn how, from the very same Kevin, live on
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                       Thursday, May 11.
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