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               Travel in the comfort and go‑anywhere readiness of Teva. From beaches and backroads to lakes and rivers, no matter the destination—you’re covered.
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                   Shop Teva footwear
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               Wet in the wild
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                   Women’s Teva Terra-Float
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                   Knit Universal
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                     Lightweight foam and a quick‑drying knit for all‑day comfort.
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                   SHOP NOW ›
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                   Men’s Teva Terra Fi 5
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                     Rugged and lightweight for on- or off‑trail adventures.
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                   SHOP NOW ›
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               A thousand strange places
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               REI Adventures offers the chance to explore the unknown and experience the world’s cultures, flavors and wonders. Are you ready to leave the familiar?
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                   WATCh THE VIDEO
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               Get on the water with us
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               Ready to learn how to SUP? Interested in a full‑moon kayak tour? Check near you or where you’re going for upcoming paddling classes and tours.
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