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                                             £12 off  your first 5 orders when you spend £15 or more*
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                                            Enter the code below to get  up to £12 off  your first 5 orders before 19 May 2022 11:30PM.
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                                                  Need dinner in a hurry? 🍕
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                                                   Stuck at the office? Busy evening and need to get dinner on the table fast? Friends coming over for the footy?
                                                   Get your favourite dishes delivered wherever and whenever you want them.
                                                   Try a nutty pad Thai with vegetable spring rolls,  a fiery Cuban sandwich with fries or salad, or keep it simple with pizza and everyone’s favourite toppings.
                                                   Order  and get  up to £12 off  your first 5 orders – save time and money!*
                                                   Simply tap the app and order your meal.
                                                   This offer is specific to your account, Sarah, and is valid until 19 May 2022 11:30PM.  Minimum spend £15.
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                                                      Top Eats
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                                                        Top Eats
                                                       shows you the restaurants in your area with the best ratings from nearby customers. Take a look at what's popular near you.
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                                                      Groceries on Demand
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                                                       Get everyday essentials, treats, and whatever snacks you fancy, delivered when you need them.
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                                                       At the top of the app homescreen, you can filter your search by price, delivery fee and more. There are plenty of options for every taste and price range.
                                              <!--[if (gte mso 9)|(IE)]>
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                                  <!--  Welcome Kit  cf_2020/05/4 L3  B3  -->
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                                                   How to redeem your promotion
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                                                          Open the Uber Eats app, your offer is
                                                           already there
                                                          waiting for you.
                                                    <tr data-blockuuid="2d051b14-1cf0-44b8-a9de-508d5a6184d9">
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                                                          Tap the promo icon at the bottom of your screen, and the offer will be
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                                                          to your basket.
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                                                          If you don't see the promo icon, tap
                                                          at the bottom of the screen and tap
                                                          . Tap
                                                           Enter code
                                                          in the top right hand corner, type the code in this email and tap
                                                           Add promo
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                                                   *£12 off offer available until 19 May 2022 11:30PM. Valid on 5 orders from selected restaurants made via the Uber Eats app in the UK (check the Uber Eats app for availability of deliveries and restaurants). New Uber Eats users only. Offer is not valid on any basket that includes any alcohol or tobacco products. Offer only applies to orders for delivery and excludes orders for pick-up and dine-in.  Minimum spend £15 on food and drink, excluding delivery fee.  Delivery fee and service fee apply. To be eligible for the promotion, apply code TREATMAY12 in the Uber Eats app at the checkout before completing any order. Must receive this email directly from Uber Eats to qualify. Code can be redeemed for a maximum of 10000 users on a first come, first serve basis. Subject to availability.
                                                   <a style="color:#036134; text-decoration: none;">
                                                    Read more.
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