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   Southwest Airlines
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               ENDS TOMORROW. You know what to do.
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                    May 16
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               <img alt=" LIMITED FLIGHTS | July 3-7 Independence Yay Sale 25% off base fares*. Book 5/16-5/17/23 with code J4SAVE. [Book now] *Use promotion code J4SAVE from 5/16-5/17/2023 for travel on select cont. U.S. flights from 7/3-7/7/2023. Restrictions and exclusions apply. Seats and days limited. Discount is applied before government taxes and fees." border="0" class="desktop full" src="" style="display: block; color: #304CB2; font-size: 12px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', helvetica, regular;" width="600"/>
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                       Summer is here!
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                       Get a low fare for July travel on the books.
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               Terms and Conditions:
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                25 percent promotion code savings valid for one-way or round trip Wanna Get Away® and Wanna Get Away Plus™ fares booked on from May 16-17, 2023 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time (the “Booking Period”) and flown between July 3-7, 2023 (“Travel Period”). Promotion code savings are applied before government taxes and fees. Enter promotion code
                in the Promo Code box when booking during the Booking Period. Offer is valid only for select continental U.S. flights. Seats and days are limited. If you have entered the promotion code
                in the Promo Code box on or during the Booking Period, then while selecting your flights, savings in the base fare will be visible as a strike-through of the original fare on eligible flights. Discount availability may vary by destination, flight, and day of week, and won’t be available on some flights that operate during very busy travel times and holiday periods. Please note that the Department of Transportation (DOT) requires advertised fares to include all government taxes and fees; however, this promotion applies to the base fare only. Discount is valid on new reservations only. Discount will apply only for select flights booked within the Booking Period while supplies last for travel flown within the Travel Period. Changes made to the itinerary after purchase will eliminate qualifications for this promotion and will result in forfeiture of any promotion code savings. The discount is only valid with the provided promotion code and is not combinable with other promotion codes or fares. All reward travel is subject to taxes, fees, and other government or airport-imposed charges of at least $5.60 per one-way trip. Applicable taxes, fees, and other government or airport-imposed charges can vary significantly based on your arrival and departure destination. The payment of any taxes, fees, and other government or airport-imposed charges is the responsibility of the Passenger and must be paid at the time reward travel is booked with a credit card, flight credit, Southwest® gift card, or Southwest LUV Vouchers®. Fares are subject to change until ticketed. Offer applies only to published, scheduled service. Offer is not redeemable for cash, and may not be used in conjunction with other special offers, or toward the purchase of a gift card or previously booked flight, or change to a previously booked flight. Discount is only valid on and The discount is not valid on group travel or Southwest Vacations®, our Southwest Partner Services API or through Global Distribution Systems, or special fares, such as military and government fares.
            <!-- terms for swasec_split1_8008032_july_4_sale_05172_july_low_fare_callout -->
            <!-- === end: Terms and Conditions === -->
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