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   $35 bras is about to call it a day.
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            Shop before midnight (and don't forget about BOGO 75% off!)
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                Our styles. Your vibes.
                Good times.
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                 YOUR FIRST PURCHASE
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                when you open and use
                your Lane Bryant Credit Card
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              CUSTOMER SERVICE
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           <td align="left" style="color:#797979; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; font-weight:normal; line-height:1.25; letter-spacing:1; padding:0 20px;" valign="top">
            BOGO 75% OFF APPAREL &amp; ACCESSORIES:
            Valid on select in-stock apparel and accessories only. Discount taken on lower priced item. Excludes Cacique Intimate Apparel, Doorbusters, Fashion Flash, Clearance, Gift Cards, E-Gift Cards and third-party brands. Not redeemable for cash and may not be applied to previous purchases, exchanges, returns or credit card payments. Valid online through 5/18/20. Associates of Lane Bryant and other Ascena-owned companies not eligible.
            Offer available Lane Bryant, Outlet and through 11:59 p.m. PT May 12 -May 18, 2020. Limit of one per customer. Offer is available to all Lane Rewards members. Subject to some restrictions, the purchase price of merchandise counts toward the offer threshold. See Rewards Program Terms and Conditions at URL above for complete details. Bonus Points will appear in your Lane Rewards Program Account after a qualifying purchase on approximately May 31, 2020.
            DOORBUSTER $35 BRAS:
            Valid on in-stock full price bras only. Excludes Clearance, Fashion Flash, Gift Cards, E-Gift Cards and third-party brands. Cannot be combined with any other coupons. Not redeemable for cash and may not be applied to previous purchases, exchanges, returns or credit card payments. Valid online through 5/18/20. Associates of Lane Bryant and other Ascena-owned companies not eligible.
            FREE SHIPPING ON $49:
            Free shipping applies to standard shipping &amp; handling in the United States only. Valid on in-stock items at today until 11:59 p.m. PT. Qualifying amount is determined after discounts and before taxes, shipping &amp; handling. Not redeemable for cash (cash value = $0.00) and may not be applied to previous purchases, exchanges, returns, credit card payments, Gift Cards and E-Gift Cards.
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            LANE REWARDS:
            This rewards program is provided by Lane Bryant, Inc. and its terms may change at any time. For full Rewards Terms and Conditions, please see
            <a style="color:#797979; text-decoration:underline !important;">
            , which includes eligibility requirements and how points are calculated. In order to join, you will be required to provide your phone number and email address to Lane Bryant. Lane Rewards Membership is only open to legal residents of any 1 of the 50 U.S. or D.C. and the age of majority.
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