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                Take 30% off select styles on by using code TIMEFLIES at checkout. Offer valid only at for shipments to the US only; not valid at The PUMA Store or PUMA Outlet. Valid beginning 2:00pm Eastern Time, 5/31/2024 through 8:00pm Eastern Time, 5/31/2024 and shall have no redeemable value thereafter. No minimum purchase required. Offer cannot be combined with any other promotion, offer or coupon. Offer cannot be applied to past purchases, redeemed for cash equivalent, used to purchase gift cards, or used as payment on an account. Offer cannot be combined with the PUMA Employee Discount. PUMA reserves the right to cancel this offer at any time, and to cancel orders arising from pricing, technical, or other errors. All returns are subject to PUMA's Returns and Exchanges Policy. Usage is subject to credit approval and product availability. Exclusions apply.
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