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   May 2019 Premium Spotlight
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   9 a.m. or 9 AM? May 4th or 4 May? Premium now ensures consistency throughout your writing.
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        The style and tone of your writing can play a huge part in determining how others respond to your message.
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            Polished. Professional. Consistent.
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            Did you know “9 a.m”. and “9 AM” are both correct? English is full of gray areas where there’s no single “right” answer—you’re free to use the style you like best!
            But once you pick a style, it’s important to pay attention to consistency and ensure you’re using the same style throughout your document. Keeping things consistent saves you time, boosts your professionalism, and improves the clarity of your writing.
            Grammarly Premium's new consistency checks can help you catch and correct inconsistencies in spelling, punctuation, and formatting throughout a piece of text.
            For a limited time (now through May 28),
             get 40% off when you upgrade to Grammarly Premium
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