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   And an update to your benefits
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                                   <a data-linkto="" style="color:#ffffff;text-decoration:none;" target="_blank">
                                    <span style="font-family: 'din-2014-bold', sans-serif;">
                                     Selfridges Unlocked:
                                    Full Access
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                                A year of Selfridges Unlocked
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                                   As we approach the first anniversary of Selfridges Unlocked, we want to thank you for being one of our extraordinary Keyholders.
                                   We hope you’ve enjoyed unlocking the very best of Selfridges and we’re excited to continue to evolve our offering of perks, exclusive access and spectacular experiences.
                                   The one-year anniversary marks the end of our Give Back perk, where we’ve been donating to our charity partner, Centrepoint, on your behalf whenever you shop using your Selfridges Key.
                                   With your help, we’ve donated more than half a million pounds to Centrepoint in the past year. This donation equates to the construction of four new modular homes in Centrepoint’s Independent Living Programme; or the heating and hot water bills at all 64 of its hostels for the winter, ensuring more than 1,400 homeless young people have a safe and warm place to call home.
                                   We couldn’t have done it without you, so thank you again for choosing to shop with us and make a meaningful difference to those who need it most. Our longstanding charity partnership with Centrepoint continues through our corporate donations, volunteering and fundraising.
                                   Find out more about Selfridges Unlocked and how to make the most of your Key.
                              <!-- /copy -->
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