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               It’s your Finimize analyst team here.
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                🌎 The World This Week
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               We yearned for a bit of excitement during the pandemic, otherwise known as that never-ending Groundhog Day of banana bread, digital dates, and pajama-esque outfits. Well, that wish came true: “black swan events” – impossible to predict and massively disruptive – are rife in this current volatile climate, so you’ll want to
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                prepare your portfolio for the threats you can’t predict
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               But you can still find some method to the madness: Bloomberg keeps a keen eye on 23 technical indicators, and investors use them to guide them through the noise. So let’s take a close look at
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                two of them, one that’s proved the best this year so far, and one that’s our analyst’s favorite
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               While you’re checking out the markets, remember the old adage: size matters. Now, the saying might not be the stuff of ancient Greek poetry, but it’s certainly got a few believers. And when it comes to stocks, it turns out
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                small packages might hold the greatest reward
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               ChatGPT’s been in the limelight long enough to develop a substantial heat rash, and Google’s been looking on with envy from the shadows. So in a bid to get some eyeballs back on itself, Google’s upgraded its chatbot Bard, a so-far-meh version of the AI know-it-all. So let’s find out
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                who can analyze a stock better: ChatGPT or Bard
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               Turns out, though, that the most exciting change in artificial intelligence could be another player altogether: here’s why
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                this specific company could be the next big thing in AI
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                🤝 Finimize Community
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                All events in UK time.
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                Three Industries That Thrive In A Downturn
               : 5pm, May 23rd
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               <a style="color: #0087ff; font-weight: 500; text-decoration: underline;">
                A Guide To Prop Trading
               : 5pm, May 25th
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                Three Reasons To Invest In Crypto Right Now
               : 5pm, 30th May
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                A Guide To Impact Investing 2.0
               : 1pm, June 1st
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                The ESG Revolution: Investing with Purpose
               : 6pm, June 8th
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                Finimize Ladies Investing Club
               : 6.30pm, July 13th
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                Modern Investor Summit 2023
               : 12pm, December 5th and 6th
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               Enjoy the rest of your weekend and stay classy ✌️
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               Your Finimize Analyst team
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