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   Alicia Keys, EQS test drives &amp; the Concours d’Elegance
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   InRoads: The Latest News from Mercedes-Benz
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                               Test drive the EQS
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                               Alicia Keys
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                               MB plugs in with EQ
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                               Concours d’Elegance
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                                Explore the
                                Immendingen Test Center
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                              TEST DRIVE THE EQS
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                      Now is your chance to test drive the all‑new EQS.
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                      The first fully electric luxury vehicle from Mercedes‑EQ is going on tour across America.
         Secure your spot now to test drive the completely new 2022 EQS Sedan. With cutting edge technology, like the available 56” Mercedes‑Benz User Experience (MBUX) Hyperscreen, the next era of driving is going to be incredible.
        Get behind the wheel of progressive excellence. Register now to test drive the EQS in select cities and be one of the first to experience the electric future.
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                   Photo by Kennedi Carter.
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                   Photo by Kennedi Carter.
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                              AMBASSADOR PROFILE
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                      The world according to Alicia Keys.
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                      Celebrating the 20th anniversary of her award‑winning debut album, "Songs in A Minor," Alicia Keys strives to always stay true to herself. In an inspiring interview with
                       She’s Mercedes
                      magazine, this musical icon and Mercedes‑Benz ambassador sat down to discuss honoring her authenticity, challenges she’s faced in the music industry and the boundless creativity yet to be seen in all of us. Her words express the power of dreaming big. "The access within us is unlimited. I am really excited about all the things I am even yet to dream," she says. Our guest editor‑in‑chief for this issue of
                       She’s Mercedes
                      was Alicia Keys herself. Read the full interview and the stories of other powerful women she selected to be featured.
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                              MB PLUGS IN WITH EQ
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                      Accelerating the shift to electric.
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                      Progress is impossible without change, which is why our sights are set on an all‑electric vehicle line‑up by the close of this decade. A century ago, owning a private car was uncommon. Outlandish, even. Today, for a future where we can all co‑exist, we must normalize progress. We’re ramping up research and development and investing over $46 billion over the next 10 years toward electric vehicle architecture. With plans in motion to advance battery capacity and set global standards for the ease of public charging, Mercedes‑Benz is on track to advance electric mobility by leaps and bounds. Recently, at the International
 Mobility Show (IAA) in Munich, Germany, five fully electric Mercedes‑EQ vehicles made their global premiere for the US market: the EQE, EQB, AMG EQS, plus the EQG Concept and Mercedes‑Maybach EQS Concept. Transitioning to electric will be no easy feat, but a crucial step in cultivating a more sustainable future.
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                              CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE
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                      A new legend at Pebble Beach: Mercedes‑Benz SL.
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                      At the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance in Monterey, California, the caliber of vehicles on display is nothing short of breathtaking. Now in its 70
                      <sup style=" line-height: 0; font-size: 0.83em;             vertical-align: super;">
                      year, this annual event celebrates the finest antique automobiles around the world. We’re proud to have been awarded “Best in Show” for the 1938 Mercedes‑Benz 540 K Autobahn Kurier. Yet, our focus this year was the history of our SL Roadster. We displayed the 1952 300 SL with its iconic gullwing doors, the 1957 300 SL Roadster and the 2003 Mercedes‑AMG SL 55 — each a legend in their own right. The storied history of the SL began in the 1950s and paved the way for Mercedes‑Benz sports cars in the United States. Soon, that iconic tradition will continue with the all‑new 2022 AMG SL, releasing next year.
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                              IMMENDINGEN TEST CENTER
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                      The infrastructure of innovation.
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                      Here at the Immendingen Test Center in Germany, Mercedes‑Benz innovations are born. Once a military site, this expansive land was transformed in 2015 to become one of Daimler’s exemplary simulation tracks, testing real world scenarios. Before the conversion, extensive measures went into protecting surrounding plants and animals. A 121‑ft wide wildlife bridge and 81‑acre tunnel were established to preserve the surrounding biological diversity. From there, 35 miles of test tracks were built. The topography and terrain of each track simulates a different driving condition to research and optimize. Rough country roads, straight
 highways, city streets, mountainous off‑roading, a winding asphalt racing circuit — all advancing our capabilities in the fields of autonomous, electric, connected and more.
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