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   Audemars Piguet
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   On the occasion of the Royal Oak’s 50th anniversary, this new AP Talks episode looks back on the genesis of this exceptional watch that was to mark its time and raise to the rank of icon.
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                 AP TALKS
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                 On the occasion of the Royal Oak’s 50th anniversary, this new AP Talks episode looks back on the genesis of
 this exceptional watch that was to mark its time
                 and raise to the rank of icon.
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              TIME TRAVEL
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              OF THE ROYAL OAK
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                 The women’s model, designed by Jacqueline Dimier in 1976, paved the way for the many variations that contributed to transforming this iconoclast into a cultural icon within and beyond watchmaking.
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                    <img alt="Audemars Piguet" border="0" height="4" src="" style="display: block;" width="40"/>
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                     Discover more
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