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                     Applications open:
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                      <span style="">
                       March 11th - May 8th, 2024
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                    <span style="font-size:20px;">
                      About the OneTen/BIT Scholarship Program:
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                    No 4-year degree? No problem! Are you an American job-seeker looking to enter the lucrative tech field? You're in luck!
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                    OneTen, BIT, and Udacity have teamed up to transform the careers of thousands of individuals by providing fully-funded scholarships in 2024.
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                     We provide the following support to set you up for success:
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                     Real-world projects with the most up-to-date content
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                     Lessons co-created with top industry experts
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                     Access to a supportive online community and knowledgeable mentors
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                     100% online-program at your own pace
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