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                               2021 E‑Class All‑Terrain
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                               Atlanta Falcons at
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                                Mercedes‑Benz Stadium
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                                Causes: Jacob’s
                                Ladder Center
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                              2021 E‑CLASS ALL‑TERRAIN
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                      Ushering in the next generation of adventures.
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                           Explore the All‑Terrain
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                      At the heart of the brand, the E‑Class is the best‑selling model series in the history of Mercedes‑Benz. Perhaps that’s because the E‑Class sets the industry standard in intelligence and comfort — and the new 2021 All‑Terrain is no exception. Its distinctive appearance shines bright with an elongated body that comes with a wealth of innovations, like the standard AIR BODY CONTROL air suspension that is ready to tackle nearly any road. This vehicle defines versatility with the latest technology, cutting‑edge safety systems, ample cargo space and uncompromising comfort. Take the road less traveled with the
 new 2021 E‑Class All‑Terrain.
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                                Explore the All‑Terrain
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                              MERCEDES‑BENZ STADIUM
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                      Tackling safety without
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                       losing ground
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                      Sure, the stands at Mercedes‑Benz Stadium are missing the booming energy of cheering fans, but that won’t stop the Atlanta Falcons’ aim to
                       rise up
                      once again. This football season, watch Grady Jarrett dominate from the defensive side of the ball and Matt Ryan connect to Calvin Ridley for dramatic aerial touchdowns. Now is the time to root for our Falcons to fly, even as we continue keeping some yardage between us. Tune in wherever you regularly watch football and look out for updates for when Mercedes‑Benz Stadium reopens for upcoming games and events.
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                      Returning the serve:
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                       Sloane Stephens.
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                           Visit the Sloane Stephens Foundation
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                           Visit the USTA Foundation
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                      Sloane Stephens, 2017 US Open champion and Mercedes‑Benz USA ambassador, is a force on and off the court. In 2013, she set her sights on empowering a new generation of tennis players by creating the Sloane Stephens Foundation. This foundation aims to provide safe spaces for kids in underserved communities to play and learn while encouraging healthy lifestyles, nutrition and physical fitness. In response to the devastating aftereffects of COVID‑19, we collaborated with Sloane and the USTA on social media to
                      <span style="color:#176db7">
                      For every ace served at the 2020 US Open, $50 was donated to the United States Tennis Association's "Rally to Rebuild" campaign. These funds will support more than 160,000 under‑resourced kids in over 250 diverse communities. With Sloane’s help, we’re proud to have raised $159,650 to help communities bounce back.
                      Check out the Sloane Stephens Foundation and the USTA’s “Rally to Rebuild” now.
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                      Martha's Vineyard,
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                      One of the most exciting parts of travel is the anticipation. So, as we slowly return to normalcy, there’s much to plan. Just south of Massachusetts, between the Nantucket and Vineyard Sounds, lies Martha’s Vineyard, an island accessible only by boat or air. Rich with history, the resplendent coastline is populated by visitors who enjoy the bucolic land and beautiful beaches perfect for any season. Explore this island while lodging at the Harbor View Hotel, offering stunning accommodations, island‑to‑table cuisine using the freshest local ingredients and a fleet of Mercedes‑Benz vehicles available for
 guests. The Harbor View provides access to bike and hiking trails, and so much more. Book your stay now.
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                      Mercedes for good:
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                       Jacob’s Ladder Center.
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                      As kids across this nation return to school in whatever form that may be, it’s the teachers who tirelessly put forth their heart and soul to ensure they continue learning each and every day. Mercedes‑Benz USA wants to thank incredible teachers like Amy O’Dell who founded Jacob’s Ladder Center here in Georgia. In response to her son Jacob’s critical developmental challenges, O’Dell took her son’s education and sense of belonging in her own hands with one‑on‑one daily learning sessions. This later became the core of Jacob’s Ladder Center’s methodology. Jacob’s Ladder Center has helped over 4,000 families by shining a light on
 childhood learning disorders with interactive academics to find a path forward. Jacob Wuttke, the center’s namesake, is now 26 years old and works as an instructor there. He says the campus brings a sense of peace and love. Watch the video to learn more about Jacob’s Ladder Center.
                      Mercedes‑Benz USA is proud to call Atlanta home. Learn more about our Greatness Lives Here stories
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