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               It’s your Finimize analyst team here.
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                🌎 The World This Week
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               When you’ve been in the investing scene for long enough, you can start to identify the too-good-to-be-true claims and sham opportunities stat. (“1,000% returns overnight” is usually a bit of a giveaway.) But there are a few well-known adages that are embedded in the minds of even seasoned investors, and they could negatively influence your decision-making even if you’re completely unaware. So let’s check out
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                ten commonly believed, dangerous investment myths – and bust ‘em
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               The benefits of the classic 60/40 portfolio are no myth, mind you. The strategy definitely can’t guarantee you any success, but its ratio of 60% stocks and 40% bonds has been trusted by investors around the world for years. It’s even more interesting, then, that
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                BlackRock’s ditching the 60/40 portfolio for a new framework
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               BlackRock’s not the only investing giant sharing secrets: Stanley Druckenmiller, one of the most successful investors of the last few decades, recently revealed his top trade – and a few others as a bonus. Here’s why the
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                hedge fund icon is betting against the US dollar, and how you can too if you agree with his stance
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               And hey, if you think the US dollar is showing weakness, you should see commercial real estate. The sector’s long been seen as a sturdy bet, but the cracks are starting to show. It’s not all bad news though: play your cards right, and you could profit from this.
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                Commercial real estate is on shaky ground, so here’s what you need to know
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                🤝 Finimize Community
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                All events in UK time.
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               <a style="color: #0087ff; font-weight: 500; text-decoration: underline;">
                The Great Energy Transition
               : 5pm, May 16th
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               <a style="color: #0087ff; font-weight: 500; text-decoration: underline;">
                Is It A Good Time To Invest In Real Estate?
               5pm, May 17th
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                Alternative Ways To Invest In Real Estate
               : 1pm, May 18th
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                Three Industries That Thrive In A Downturn
               : 5pm, May 23rd
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               <a style="color: #0087ff; font-weight: 500; text-decoration: underline;">
                A Beginners Guide To Prop Trading
               : 5pm, May 25th
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                Modern Investor Summit 2023
               : 12pm, December 5th and 6th
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               Enjoy the rest of your weekend and stay classy ✌️
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               Your Finimize Analyst team
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