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               Dear User,
               Thanks for signing up for Stitch Fix!
               I’d love to start styling your first Fix. To get started, please take 10 minutes to
               <a style="-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; color: #0085C3; text-decoration: none;">
                take your Style Quiz
               , so we can learn more about your style, fit &amp; budget preferences.
               Based on this info, you'll be paired with a personal stylist who'll carefully handpick 5 pieces—from thousands of brands &amp; styles!—that you can try on from the comfort of your own home. That way, you can see how it fits with your own wardrobe &amp; get your friends opinions, too.
               If you need to return or exchange any of the pieces for any reason, no worries! Shipping is free both ways &amp; you’ll only pay for what you keep. (To be fully transparent, we do have a one-time $20 personal styling fee, but we give it right back to you as a $20 credit toward anything you buy.)
               I can’t wait to start you up with one of our amazing Stylists.
               <a style="-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; color: #0085C3; text-decoration: none;">
                Take your Style Quiz
               &amp; we’ll help you get set up for your first Fix!
               Tiffany R.
               Lead Stylist
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               Stitch Fix,‌ Inc.
               <span style="color: #5a565a !important; text-decoration: none !important;">
                One Mon‌tgomery To‌wer, Suite 15‌00, San Francisco, ‌CA 9‌4104, USA.
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