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   Hey Sarah,
   I appreciate you taking the time to thoughtfully answer the workflow survey. I wanted to share a few thoughts based on your responses and also let you know that you've been granted access and can start your 14 day free trial immediately. Here's the
    link you will need
   to create your account.
   You mentioned that you often end up distracted by urgent and unimportant work. I've personally spent a lot of time thinking about distraction at work and talking to folks about how to succeed in spite of the barrage of distractions we face. There are two things that will help.
   The first one is forgiving yourself. Getting distracted is not a blemish on your character. In all my years working with brilliant and successful founders, investors, and engineers I've seen them all get distracted. We are all human and our brains are wired to chase novelty and end up distracted. It's also important to remember that your digital working environment is rigged against you. The greatest product, engineering, and design minds in Silicon Valley are hard at work trying to keep you
   on checking in your "productivity" apps throughout the day.
   So what can you do? I recommend shifting your attention towards what you want to do instead of what you don't want to do. When you decide to "say yes", you automatically start to "say no" to checking your email, slack, twitter, etc. Each morning, Sunsama will guide you through the process of saying yes to the work that's important to you. Once you go through this flow, you'll be armored against the barrage of distractions that come your way all day long.
   CEO, Sunsama
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