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   Comedian Chris Gethard takes on fatherhood and mental illness
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   Exclusively on Scribd: “Dad on Pills”
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                     Hilarious. Heartbreaking. Hopeful.
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                     Whether he’s doing standup, podcasting, or writing books, comedian Chris Gethard has made us laugh while shedding light on his struggles with mental illness.
                     In our newest Scribd Original,
                     <span style="font-style: italic;">
                      Dad on Pills
                     , Gethard straps in for the ride of his life: becoming a new dad while managing his deepest anxiety and fears. The result? A poignant personal journey that resonates with vulnerability, humor, and hard-earned wisdom.
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                     Read an excerpt from
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                      Dad on Pills
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                              WHEN MY WIFE,
                             Hallie, was pregnant, we took a birthing class. It met once a week for nine straight weeks and it was wild. It was a trip being in a room with so many other people walking their own version of the anxiety-inducing path we were on. I paid close attention to the other dads. I knew my own stress and wondered if I could create some sort of camaraderie by sensing whether they felt stress as well. Maybe we could come together as future first-time dads, finding catharsis in our shared fears. I can’t lie though: I also paid close attention to them because they were a collection of fascinating oddballs.
                             There was a very nice Swiss man who wore a vest every week. I was blown away by this.
                             “How you gonna be Swiss and wear a vest every day?” I asked Hallie after the second class, when it became clear the vest was a thing. “It makes you seem like Willy Wonka or something.”
                             That comparison only rang truer when he told us at the beginning of week three’s class that he was a professional chocolate maker. A Swiss, vest-wearing chocolate professional. Can you imagine being able to introduce yourself that way at a party?
                             “And what do you do?”
                             “I… am a chocolatier!”
                             There was the Russian overachiever kid. I say kid because he seemed to be maybe twenty-three years old, tops, and I was pushing forty. I say overachiever because anytime the teacher asked a question, his hand shot up like we were in third grade.
                             “Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!” he would go, jabbing his hand farther into the air to make sure the teacher saw it. Of course she saw it. There were fewer than twenty people sitting in the room.
                             “Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!” he repeated.
                             “Uh, sure, Dmitry,” the teacher would finally say, realizing no one was interested in answering her questions if it meant competing with this kid.
                             “Amniotic fluid! It’s called amniotic fluid!” he blurted out after the teacher asked the name of the liquid that cushions a fetus.
                             “Yes, that’s right.”
                             “Yes! Yes. I knew it,” he’d say, turning to his wife. “See?” Then he’d smile smugly and look around the room at everyone, not realizing all of us knew the answer the entire time. I loved talking with Hallie about this on the way home. “I’m here to figure out how to bring a kid into the world,” I’d say, “not win at birth class.”
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                                  Chris Gethard
                                 is a prolific comedian, actor, and writer. His many projects include the podcast
                                 <span style="font-style: italic;">
                                 as well as the books
                                 <span style="font-style: italic;">
                                  Weird NY
                                 <span style="font-style: italic;">
                                  A Bad Idea I’m About to Do
                                 , and
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                                  Lose Well
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