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               Select styles only. Excludes Toddler &amp; Baby 0–24 months. While supplies last.
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               30% Off:
              Offer valid on Old Navy merchandise only from 05/05/19 at 12:00 am PT through 05/05/19 at 11:59 pm PT in the US (including Puerto Rico) at Old Navy online at
               Offer is not combinable with Super Cash Redeem. Offer not valid on Today Only Deal and 2 Days Only Deal merchandise online. Not valid at Old Navy stores.
              Not valid on international purchases. Discount applies to merchandise only, not value of gift cards purchased, packaging, applicable taxes or shipping &amp; handling charges. No adjustments on previous purchases. Not valid for cash or cash equivalent. Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts including Gap Inc. employee discount. Gap Inc. is not responsible for lost or stolen coupons.
               20% Off:
              Offer valid on Old Navy merchandise only from 04/27/19 at 12:00 am PT through 05/05/19 at 11:59 pm PT in the US (including Puerto Rico) at Old Navy stores.
               Offer is not combinable with Super Cash Redeem. Offer not valid on Clearance, Register Lane Items, Jewelry, Today Only Deal, and 2 Days Only Deal merchandise in stores. Not valid at Old Navy online.
              Discount applies to merchandise only, not value of gift cards purchased, packaging, applicable taxes or shipping &amp; handling charges. No adjustments on previous purchases. Not valid for cash or cash equivalent. Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts including Gap Inc. employee discount. Gap Inc. is not responsible for lost or stolen coupons.
               FREE Shipping On Orders Of $25 Or More:
              Valid on Old Navy orders of $25 or more, after promotions and discounts are applied, placed through 05/05/19 at 11:59 PM PT and shipped to a single U.S address. Gift cards, packaging, taxes and prior purchases do not qualify toward $25 minimum. Must enter promo code FREESHIP and select the FREE 5-7 business days shipping option. Delivery times are subject to change without notice.
               $6 Adult and $5 Kids Pool Slides:
              Offer valid 5/5/19 at Old Navy stores in the United States (including Puerto Rico) and at Old Navy online.
               Excludes Toddler and Baby 0-24 months.
              Select styles only. While supplies last. No adjustments on previous purchases. Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts, including Gap Inc. employee discount.
               Super Cash:
              Valid for up to maximum $60 off qualifying purchases from 4/27/19 at 12:00 am PT to 5/5/19 at 11:59 pm PT at Old Navy stores and online in the U.S. and Puerto Rico only. Not valid at other Gap Inc. brands, or in our clearance centers. Minimum purchase thresholds to redeem excludes gift cards, packaging, shipping &amp; handling, gift wrap, and taxes. MINIMUM PURCHASE THRESHOLDS: Spend $25-$49.99 to redeem $10 coupon; Spend $50-$74.99 to redeem $20 coupon; Spend $75-$99.99 to redeem $30 coupon; Spend $100-$124.99 to redeem $40 coupon; Spend $125-$149.99 to redeem $50 coupon; Spend $150 or more to redeem $60 coupon. If amount of a purchase is less than the threshold to use full value of coupon, any unused balance of coupon will be forfeited. Limit one Super Cash coupon redeemed per
 transaction. Coupon valid for one time use only and has no cash value. Cannot be combined with other offers/discounts, or employee discount. Coupon must be presented at time of purchase in store or enter code at online checkout. Upon redemption, coupon’s discount value will be equally spread across all items in the transaction. If you return some or all merchandise purchased with coupon, the dollar value of coupon will not be refunded or credited back. Not responsible for lost or stolen coupons. Cannot be applied to previous purchases or used as payment on a Gap Inc. credit card. Coupon is non-transferrable and not for resale. See for details, or call 1-800-653-6289 with questions.
               Up to 50% Off Jeans, Tees &amp; Shorts:
              Select styles only. While supplies last. For a limited time. Online &amp; in-store prices and exclusions may vary.
               *20% ACCOUNT OPENING DISCOUNT:
              Subject to credit approval. Your new Gap Inc. credit card must be used as sole payment type. Open a new Old Navy Card or Old Navy Visa Account to receive a 20% discount. Valid in the U.S. (including Puerto Rico) only. If new account is opened in Old Navy stores, discount will be applied to first purchase in store made same day and is not valid to be redeemed online. If new Account is opened at discount code expires at 11:59pm PT ninety (90) days from date of Account open and is not valid to be redeemed in-stores. Not valid at other Gap Inc. Brands or in our Clearance Center. Excludes gift cards, packaging, shipping &amp; handling, and taxes. Only one account opening discount per Account. Discount can be combined with only one other offer in a single transaction, except offer
 cannot be combined with employee discount. Discount value will be equally spread across all eligible items in the transaction. Not responsible for lost or stolen codes. No adjustments to previous purchases.
              See your
               Reward Program Terms
              for details on earning and redeeming points and rewards.
               †MOBILE ALERTS:
              Msg &amp; Data Rates May Apply. By texting the keyword to 653689 and completing the sign-up instructions, you consent to receive one or more recurring marketing text messages each week at the mobile number provided that may be sent via an automated system, and you also consent to the
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              . Consent is not a condition of purchasing goods or services. You can opt-out at any time by responding
              . You can also respond
              for help.
               WELCOME BONUS:
              Offer arrives after opt-in to Old Navy Texts for first-time subscribers only. Restrictions and exclusions apply to redeem, see offer code for details.
               ±±Free shipping
              is valid on orders of $50 or more shipped to a single U.S. address, after promotions and discounts are applied. Gift cards, packaging, and taxes do not qualify toward the minimum purchase requirement. Eligible customers must select this option during checkout in order to receive free shipping. Offer is subject to change without notice and excludes purchases from Gap Factory and Banana Republic Factory.
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