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On selected Huda, Wishful and Kayali §
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Happy Friday 1/2 price
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§§ No7 Happy Friday 1/2 Price on selected No7. One day deal available online only on 17.06.22
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# Buy 1 get 2nd 1/2 price, mix and match across our allergy range. Cheapest product half price, in a single transaction. Subject to availability. Offer ends 12th July 2022. Boots Hayfever & Allergy Relief 10mg Tablets, contain Cetirizine. Beconase Hayfever Relief for Adults Nasal Spray, contains Beclomatasone. Boots Hayfever Relief 2% w/v Eye Drops, contains Sodium Cromoglicate. Always read the label.
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¥ Load the offer on your app and shop between 6th June and 31st July to be in with the chance to win one of 4 holidays. All customers who load the offer and make a purchase will be automatically entered into the draw. You must be aged 18+ and a resident in the UK. Employees and the immediate family of Boots UK Limited, their agents, or anyone professionally connected with this prize are ineligible to enter. An independent person, selected by Boots, will randomly select the winners. The winners will be notified by Jet2 within 2 weeks post competition ending. Employees and officers of Jet2holidays Limited, Jet2.com Limited, Jet2 plc or any companies within the same group or any organisation professionally involved with the prize draw (or in each case, their close relatives) are not eligible to enter. An entrant may only be entered into the prize draw once per holiday via the app competition in ‘My Offers’. Prize 1 to be entered between June 6th and June 15th. Prize 2 to be entered between June 16th and June 29th. Prize 3 to be entered between June 30th and July 15th. Prize 4 to be entered between July 16th and July 31st. A total of 4 customers will be picked at random. All winners must have an Advantage Card.
Entrants’ details will be used to administer the Prize Draw and award the prize. Details will be used in accordance with the Jet2holidays privacy policy (see
<a title="https://www.jet2holidays.com/privacy-policy).">
Where Jet2holidays makes any changes to the holiday or dates of travel, no compensation or cash equivalent will be available. Jet2holidays will not be liable for any cancellations or changes to the prize draw or the prizes, or for any loss or damage entrants or accompanying passengers suffer as a result of entering the prize draw provided that nothing in these terms shall exclude or limit the liability of Jet2holidays in relation to personal injury or death caused by Jet2holidays negligence or for fraud. Transfers to and from the airport in the UK are not included. No optional flight/board/accommodation supplements are included in the prize and these must be paid for by the winner at the time of booking for all the travelling party. Travel insurance is not included. Winners are advised to take out their own insurance. If a prize is not booked by the applicable date, it will be deemed forfeited [and Jet2holidays reserves the right to award a prize to another randomly selected entry]. The prize is subject to these terms and conditions and the Jet2holidays' and Jet2.com's terms and conditions (together the "Terms and Conditions") which can be found at
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