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 <body class="body">
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    <img class="logo" src="" style="max-width:165px;margin-top:30px;"/>
   <h1 style="max-width:400px;margin:auto;">
    How to make your portfolio look more senior than it is.
   <div class="block">
    <div class="graphic">
     <img src="" style="width:92px;height:92px"/>
    <p style="max-width:200px;margin:auto;">
     ✨ Nice to meet you✨ Zoe from Carbonmade
   <div class="block">
     Some things, you just have to learn with experience. Creating a good portfolio doesn't have to be one of them.
     Here's how to make your portfolio look more senior than it is.
   <div class="block">
     1. Pay close attention to typography.
   <div class="block">
    <img src="" style="max-width:480px;"/>
   <div class="block">
     The difference between junior and senior portfolios is often in the details. And typography is an important detail. In Carbonmade, you can choose from a wide range of elegant fonts and adjust the size and spacing to get it just right.
   <div class="block">
     2. Design your site around the work you have.
   <div class="block">
    <img src="" style="max-width:480px;"/>
   <div class="block">
     How do you use a template made for multiple projects when you only have 1 or 2? You don’t.
     Pretend you're creating a magazine and your projects are your cover story. Spotlight your work by designing your whole homepage around it. If you select Settings next to your Project Grid, you can play with your layout to find a good starting point.
   <div class="block">
     3. Treat every case study like a product launch.
   <div class="block">
    <img src="" style="max-width:480px;"/>
   <div class="block">
     Take a note from Apple and make every project feel as epic as an iPhone release.
     Only have one project? Launch a one-pager with one outstanding, single case study. Make it so good, people want to share it. The Full-Screen Cover &amp; Side by Side blocks pair nicely for this. You can even upload videos and GIFs straight to Carbonmade, so they play beautifully on the page.
   <div class="block">
     4. Remember: quality over quantity.
   <div class="block">
    <img src="" style="max-width:480px;"/>
   <div class="block">
     Make your case studies short and scannable. Cut out every project that doesn't fit your goals. If you're not confident in your design, keep it minimalistic. A clean and simple portfolio is better than a bloated, overworked one.
     Finally: Nothing gives away a newbie like a generic template. A portfolio made especially for your work not only looks better, it shows you care about what you do.
   <div class="centered block">
    <a class="cta" style="color:#fff">
     Create your portfolio
   <table class="block" style="width:100%">
     <td style="width:92px;padding-right:30px;">
      <img src="" style="width:92px;height:92px"/>
     <td style="width:100%;font-family: 'Avenir Next', 'Arial';">
      <p style="margin:0;">
       Let's do this!
      <p style="margin:0;">
       ✨Zoe from Carbonmade✨
   <div class="block">
      P.S. All images here are from, made with Carbonmade 💜
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     Need help?
    Check out our
     help site
    or respond to this email.
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