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   NARS Cosmetics
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           <a data-link-name="prehead" style="color:#848484;line-height:20px;text-decoration:underline;" target="_blank">
            Enter your birthday to receive a special treat from us.
        <tr style="width:100%;display:block;">
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          <font face="tahoma, arial, sans-serif" style="font-size:11px;color:#848484;line-height:25px;">
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            Click to view in browser.
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         <span style="font-size: 1px;color: #ffffff;display: none !important;text-transform: capitalize;">
          WHAT’S YOUR SIGN? Your horoscope is in, and we see a very special gift in your future. Enter your birthday to celebrate with NARS.
         <td align="right" valign="top">
          <a alisa="Nars logo" target="_blank">
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                Terms and Conditions
              Copyright © 2022 Shiseido UK Limited, 1 Kingsway 6th Floor, London WC2B 6AN, United Kingdom
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