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   Giving thanks as we ride into the New Year
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   A note of gratitude from Mercedes-Benz.
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                 A note of gratitude from Mercedes-Benz.
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                 New beginnings are closer than they appear.
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                    As 2020 draws to a close, we’d like to pause for a moment to appreciate some of the high points of this challenging year.
                    Like so many of you, we needed to make significant changes to quickly adapt to this “new normal.” We are proud of the hard work our team and our dealer partners put in to ensure that we consistently deliver high‑quality customer service. During this period of great disruption, we were able to deploy mobile service options, roadside support and pick‑up and drop‑off services to continue bringing you our best.
                    We couldn’t have gotten through these difficult times without you. So, from all of us at Mercedes‑Benz, we thank you for being a part of our family. Here’s to a more joyous 2021, filled with new and memorable adventures.
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                    © 2020 Mercedes‑Benz USA, LLC,
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                     A Mercedes‑Benz Company
                    One Mercedes‑Benz Drive | Sandy Springs, GA 30328
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