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         We’re making birthday drinks come true! Celebrate 8 with us and
          take $25 off when you become a member today
         — because it’s our party and we’ll wine if we want to.*
     <!-- END Preheader -->
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            We’re making birthday drinks come true! Celebrate 8 with us and
             take $25 off when you become a member today
            — because it’s our party and we’ll wine if we want to.*
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           <img alt="" height="20" src="" width="10"/>
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            Use Promo Code: WINCBDAY2019
            <span class="appleLinks">
             Offer ends at 11:59pm on 8/17/19.
            Valid for new members only.
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          5340 Alla Road, Suite 105, Los Angeles, CA, USA
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        “On the house”, percentage discounts and other promotions are an instant rebate credit applied to a portion of the purchase price of each product, shipping and handling. All promotions and wine purchases require a 3 bottle minimum and may only apply to $13 bottle orders. Promotions cannot be combined, are not applicable to gift purchases and may only apply to new members. Shipping credits do not apply to overnight shipping. Give-a-Box referrals are not eligible for referral credits. Void where prohibited, only available in US. Winc. Buellton, California.
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