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        Did you know Udacity provides you more than one way to save on your Nanodegree program enrollment? Once you apply for your personalized discount, do this to get an additional 15% off.
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                             User, pay upfront and save an
                              extra 15%
                             on top of your discount!
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                      Here's how to save even more on your next program
                    <p style="Margin:0 0 20px 0; ">
                     Did you know Udacity provides you more than one way to save on your Nanodegree program enrollment?
                    <p style="Margin:0 0 20px 0; ">
                     Everyone can apply for a Personal Discount to use on both bundle or monthly subscriptions. Just answer two questions to find out how much you can save.
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                    Apply for discount   →
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                    <p style="Margin:0 0 20px 0; ">
                     Once you apply for your discount,
                      here's how to save even more
                     on your next program.
                    <p style="Margin:0 0 20px 0; ">
                      Save an additional 15% off when you pay upfront for a bundle Nanodegree program subscription
                     . Our students love this option because once you've completed your 3-4 month program bundle, you'll have the option to renew month to month. This way, you can learn as long as you want.
                    <p style="Margin:0 0 20px 0; ">
                     It's our most popular enrollment option!
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                      Still have questions about Udacity, User
                    <p style="Margin:0 0 20px 0;color:#0B0B0B;">
                     Our team of Academic Advisors would be happy to answer any questions you have about our courses or personalized discounts. Feel free to schedule a ti‍‍me that works best for you. We are in office between
                     <a data-bsft-link-id="6" style="text-decoration:none;color:#2015FF;" target="_blank">
                      5‍:‍‍3‍0 a‍‍‍‍m to 2‍:‍‍3‍0 p‍m P‍‍‍T | 1‍2:3‍0 p‍m to 9‍:3‍0 p‍m GM‍T
                     , Mo‍n‍‍‍day through Fri‍‍d‍‍ay.
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                      Your priorities are our priorities
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                     Hear first-hand how Udacity has given our learners confidence in their careers.
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               Terms and Conditions:
              To redeem this offer, complete the application through your Udacity account. If you do not have a Udacity student account, you will need to create one to complete the application. Once the application has been submitted, you will receive a promo code that you can apply at checkout. The discount applies to each mo‍nth of your mon‍th-to-mo‍nth Udacity subscription OR your purchase of an upfront bundle. Sales taxes do not qualify for discount. This offer is not redeemable or refunded for cash. The discount cannot be used on previous purchases or combined with other offers, it is not transferable and is limited to one per customer. Void where prohibited. Offer expires se‍ven da‍ys from receipt of the promotional code. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Offer subject to change without notice.
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