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March 25, 2025
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’s take on the latest work trends - sent on Tuesdays
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Inside this issue
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Workplace trends
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The AI corner
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Hiring for culture adds, rather than culture fits
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Water cooler chatter
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Question of the week
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Just for laughs
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Follow the
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weekly on
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Workplace trends
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More testosterone could mean more pay
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For men, moving from the 25th percentile of circulating testosterone to the 30th could lead to a surprising 10% rise in monthly earnings, according to a new working paper coming out of Paris Dauphine University, University of Bath, and Auckland University of Technology. This intriguing link between pay and testosterone was only found among men with lower testosterone levels and in the highest-earning quarter. The researchers were unable to identify any obvious factors explaining this relationship (testosterone doesn't affect hours worked or performance-related pay, for example) but believe medical research could provide clues to this mysterious connection.
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Gen Z
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Rethinking generational labels in the workplace
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Generational labels have long been a way to understand workforce trends. Yet in a new report from Fortune magazine, demographers argue that hastily assigning character traits across generational lines oversimplifies human complexity. Consider Gen Z: initially praised as socially conscious and tech-savvy, the narrative has shifted to "entitled," "difficult to manage," and "prone to quiet quitting." These contradictions do not come from inherent Gen Z flaws but from throwing on generational labels without acknowledging the diversity within an age group. Overgeneralizing workers by birth year, argue demographers, creates artificial divides that distract from more pressing workplace issues. Instead, businesses should focus on creating conditions that help everyone succeed, looking at the economic, technological, and social conditions shaping all workers' professional experiences.
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The AI corner
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AI is testing students’ academic integrity
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Teachers and parents are at a loss as they try to stop students from using generative AI to cheat in school. OpenAI reports that of the 400 million weekly ChatGPT users, students are the most prevalent. Around 40% of students who use AI admit to completing assignments with it without teacher permission, according to Impact Research. Despite this trend, AI companies deny responsibility for academic dishonesty, leaving teachers to develop their own countermeasures. Some educators are embracing AI in the classroom, transforming it from a cheating tool into an integrated learning resource. Others turn to third-party AI detection tools, though these have proven inconsistently reliable. As the education sector grapples with this technological disruption, finding the balance between preventing misuse and harnessing AI's potential remains the crucial challenge for 21st-century learning.
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Your next career coach may not be human
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There's a new breed of chatbots entering the workplace: AI-powered virtual coaches. These bots offer everything from salary negotiation advice to insights on how work habits affect performance, even facilitating role-plays for difficult colleague conversations. Examples include CoachHub's Aimy, Valence's Nadia, and Ezra's Cai. While some claim these tools democratize professional development resources that were once reserved for executives, they've also sparked ethical debates, primarily around whether algorithms can truly replace human wisdom and empathy. Human coaches are increasingly concerned about market cannibalization. However, the unique advantages of these digital mentors — constant availability, objectivity, and freedom from human bias — position them as powerful complements to traditional coaching in an increasingly complex professional landscape.
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Is culture fit holding your team back?
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In this week's episode, Julie Anne Crommett walks us through her shift from “culture fit” to “culture add” at organizations like Google, Disney, and NBCUniversal.
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Listen to the full episode
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Hiring for culture adds, rather than culture fits
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Powerhouse teams don't happen by accident – great managers build them.
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As you think about building your own team, bear in mind that hiring solely for “culture fits” can inadvertently stifle organizational growth. After all, if managers consistently hire the same type of employee —similar schools, backgrounds, and experiences — the team will always lack diversity of thought.
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Instead of “culture fits,” focus on “culture adds,” as Julie Anne Crommett, founder and CEO of Collective Moxie and former VP of Multicultural Audience Engagement at Walt Disney, recommends. We caught up with Julie on a
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recent episode of The Standup
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to discuss her top advice for identifying candidates who can drive company culture in more innovative directions and this week’s tips are inspired by her insights.
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How can you build a stronger team culture based on diversity of thought?
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Map the process
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Like creating any strategy, it’s important to identify the outcomes you want from your team culture before any other activity is done. Think about bringing in an expert in the area you want to expand, for example, AI, to help you figure out where you want to go and how you might get there. Then, track your team’s current processes. Once you’ve done that, start asking questions like, “Why is each step necessary?” “Why do we do it this way?” and “Are there gaps or points where the system breaks down?” These questions can spark conversations helping you understand your current team culture’s strengths and areas for improvement.
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Talk about hiring criteria
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Many teams write job descriptions based on templates from other companies without discussing what the ideal candidate truly looks like. Instead of going with boilerplate job spec, get specific about writing down your priorities for each role. Then, ask your team to do the same to compare notes. You might find that maybe you're focused on candidates with a proven track record while your team values fresh ideas and creativity. Address these differences in opinion to come to a consensus on the characteristics of your top candidate. This can equip you to identify the candidates that will get your team culture trending in the right direction.
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Check for biases
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Hiring teams often have subconscious biases and show a preference for candidates with similar working styles. “Disruptor” candidates – those who think innovatively about how your organization might run – may appear threatening to your current team members, leading them to score those candidates lower. Don’t forget that you're looking for employees who complement your team by bringing fresh perspectives to the table, so coach your team about being open to candidates who may think differently. Remind them that having diverse opinions will ultimately make their collective work stronger.
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Identify “culture adds”
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As Julia suggests
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, you need to identify culture adds, and it's critical to know what you're looking for! Throughout the interview process, you'll be able to spot a culture add when a candidate reveals gaps in your current culture. Perhaps the candidate illuminates issues like a lack of creativity in some area, insufficient consideration of a certain audience set, or consistent problems in the project development process. When you notice these issues because of a candidate interview, and that candidate presents innovative solutions, you probably want to pay close attention.
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Support disruptors
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Hiring a disruptor can be transformative but only if you, as a manager, are ready to support them. Even the most forward-thinking employees will not succeed if the environment isn’t conducive for them to take charge of their domains. So first, always make sure new hires are properly onboarded and the whole team has clear expectations about what that employee was hired to do, and what they add. Remember to ask your disruptors what they need in order to be successful and find ways for them to make an immediate impact, such as creating opportunities for them to share their expertise in larger forums so others can learn from them.
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Water cooler chatter
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Harvard is making tuition free for families earning under $200K.
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Additionally, families with annual incomes of $100,00 or less will have their housing, health services, food, and other student services covered. This new plan, set to begin for the 2025-26 academic year, will enable 86% of US families to qualify for financial aid.
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“We know the most talented students come from different socioeconomic backgrounds and experiences, from every state and around the globe.”
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- William R. Fitzsimmons,
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Harvard College’s Dean of Admissions
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After three decades, Donatella Versace is stepping down as director.
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Her replacement, Dario Vitale, will begin as creative director of the luxury fashion house on April 1st, marking the first time in the brand's 47-year history that it will be led by someone without the Versace surname.
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“Championing the next generation of designers has always been important to me. I am thrilled that Dario Vitale will be joining us, and excited to see Versace through new eyes.”
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- Donatella Versace,
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Creative Director of Versace
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Question of the week
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Last week’s answer:
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1,040 cups
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<span style="font-size: 16px; font-family: 'Roboto','Arial',sans-serif; font-weight: 700; color: #000000; line-height: 163%; mso-line-height-alt: 26px;">
This week’s question:
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What percent of US workers would take a 5% pay cut to avoid a five-day RTO?
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