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I Showed My Preschooler a Drag Performance, and No One Is Confused
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(Well, not about drag, anyway.)
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Enrique Dans
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The dollar and the future
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It is everyday more and more tempting to relate the increasingly greater vulnerability of the American…
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Debra Groves Harman
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I Was Naked in a Public Hot Tub and Got a Philosophy Lesson
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Peace Pilgrim’s words carry me even now
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Srinivas Rao
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8 min read
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7 Valuable Lessons I’ve Learned from my 7 month Old Nephew
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Watching my 7-month-old nephew discover the world has taught me that “Adults can learn as much from children…
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Julie Benezet
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5 min read
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The Tricky Business of Leading Teams
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How to pilot through the human roadblocks that clog the path to project execution.
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Tim Andersen, Ph.D.
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The Infinite Universe
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Missing anti-matter may have a simple solution
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It was never there in the first place and here’s why
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Fleurine Tideman
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A Thousand Lives
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8 min read
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The Five Best Books I Read in March and April
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Coincidentally all by female authors!
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Paul Pallaghy, PhD
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More breakthroughs in LLMs / GPT / AGI ‘just’ occurred
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Well, it’s all been happening these last 2–3 months. But it’s coming together to take language understanding…
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Erdogan Taskesen
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Towards Data Science
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From Clusters To Insights; The Next Step
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Learn how to quantitatively detect which features drive the formation of the clusters
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Grant Piper
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The US Once Imposed a 55 MPH Speed Limit. Should We Do It Again?
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Less gas, fewer fatalities
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Allen Helton
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Better Programming
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Serverless Speed Test: Comparing Lambda, Step Functions, App Runner, and Direct…
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I pitted Lambda, direct integrations, synchronous express step function workflows, and AppRunner against each…
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Ryan Fan
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Howard Hamlin’s Tragedy Reminds Us Privileged People Are Also People
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Jimmy and Kim made Howard a scapegoat for all their problems
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David Liira, Kin.
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In Fitness And In Health
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We’ve Been Wrong About Muscle Cramps for Decades
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Exposing the myths and revealing proven solutions.
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Ethan Siegel
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Starts With A Bang!
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At last: astronomers catch a star eating its innermost planet
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Many planets will eventually be devoured by their parent star. For the first time, we caught a star in the…
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How AI Can Change the World, Not End It
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LLMs will be transformative, but they don’t have to lead to dire results, according to new reports
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