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   Important changes to your Executive Club membership
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         to view.
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                     Dear Mr Jonas,
                     We hope you and your family are keeping well during these difficult times.
                     We’re writing to let you know about some changes to your Executive Club membership. These changes include adding an arbitration agreement and class action waiver to our Terms and Conditions from 28 May 2020.
                     At British Airways, we would always try to informally settle any issues that may arise. However, if that’s not possible, we require our US and Canadian Members, such as yourself, to use arbitration to resolve disputes individually – and not through a court or a class action.
                     You’ll be asked to accept these changes the next time you book with us on Until then, you can also review these updated
                     <a target="_self">
                      Executive Club Terms and Conditions
                     Thank you as always for your continued loyalty.
                     With best wishes,
                     Your Executive Club Team
        <td align="center">
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                      Dear Mr Jonas,
                      We hope you and your family are keeping well during these difficult times.
                      We’re writing to let you know about some changes to your Executive Club membership. These changes include adding an arbitration agreement and class action waiver to our Terms and Conditions from 28 May 2020.
                      At British Airways, we would always try to informally settle any issues that may arise. However, if that’s not possible, we require our US and Canadian Members, such as yourself, to use arbitration to resolve disputes individually – and not through a court or a class action.
                      You’ll be asked to accept these changes the next time you book with us on Until then, you can also review these updated
                      <a target="_self">
                       Executive Club Terms and Conditions
                      Thank you as always for your continued loyalty.
                      With best wishes,
                      Your Executive Club Team
      <!-- Hero section end here -->
      <!-- Memebership Cards -->
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