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PLUS see how you can make no payments for 90 days!*
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MAY 2020
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Happy Thursday!
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As you get ready to start to venture out, and potentially look for a new car to take you to new places, Mitsubishi Motors has teamed up with Ally Financial to provide
<span style="font-weight: bold;">
No Payments for 90 days
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to qualified customers on the purchase of a new Mitsubishi model.
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If you’re looking for something sleek and exciting that stands out from the crowd, check out our
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Eclipse Cross
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Outlander Sport
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Limited Edition models! Enjoy all the exciting upgrades like slick black wheels, a premium audio system, aggressive red accents, heated front seats, and more! Plus, right now get 0% APR for 72 months with up to $500 cash back on select 2019 models!
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While SUV and CUV seem like interchangeable terms, there are key differences between the two. A CUV, or crossover, has a body and frame built in a single piece, delivering better ride quality due to how light it is. However, both have a raised ground clearance, giving drivers a higher vantage point over other cars, as well as ample interior space, making them a popular choice with families looking to avoid the minivan option.
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Check out our CUV lineup
and see how you can get 0% APR for 72 months PLUS up to $500 cash back and no payments for 90-days!
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Compact and comfortable doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice cargo space! The 2019 Mirage offers multiple cargo configurations that let you optimize your space. With 47 cubic feet of cargo capacity, best-in-class MPG
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, and plenty of available features, the Mirage easily adapts to your lifestyle. Right now, you can get a new 2019 Mirage for 0% APR for 60 months plus $1,000 cash back and make NO PAYMENTS for
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There’s no better way to socially distance yourself than escaping to the great outdoors! Specially equipped with Mitsubishi’s signature S-AWC system, the Outlander PHEV was made to take on almost any terrain in style. With the available AC power outlets delivering a combined 1500W, you can easily plug in a coffee maker, a toaster, or even a big screen TV, taking your camping experience to a whole new level! Producing zero emissions while running on 100% electric power, the Outlander PHEV helps you leave the campground as clean as when you found it!
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Well-qualified customers who purchase a new vehicle between 05/01/2020 and 06/01/2020 and finance through a participating dealer and Ally have an option to make no monthly payments for 90 days. Finance charges begin to accrue on the date you sign the Retail Installment Sale Contract at the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) disclosed in the contract. May not be combined with other Ally financing offers. Subject to maximum term limits. Dealer participation required. Not available to Pennsylvania residents, see your Dealer for details. Must take retail delivery by 06/01/2020.
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0.0% APR for up to 72 months (72 monthly payments of $13.89 per $1,000 financed at 0.0% APR) PLUS get up to $500 APR Cash Rebate on all new 2019 Eclipse Cross, Outlander Sport, and Outlander PHEV models. Available through Ally Financial, subject to approved credit and insurance. Some customers will not qualify. Eligible Customers have an option of deferring their first payment up to 90 days when financing through Ally Financial, up to max term of 75 months. Finance charges begin to accrue on the date customer signs the Retail Installment Sale Contract at the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) disclosed in the
contract. Some customers will not qualify. Price, terms and vehicle availability may vary. This offer may not be combined with factory cash rebates. See your participating dealer for details. Offers valid from 05/01/2020 through 06/01/2020.
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0.0% APR for up to 72 months (72 monthly payments of $13.89 per $1,000 financed at 0.0% APR) PLUS get up to $500 APR Cash Rebate on all new 2019 Eclipse Cross, Outlander Sport, and Outlander PHEV models. Available through Ally Financial, subject to approved credit and insurance. Some customers will not qualify. Eligible Customers have an option of deferring their first payment up to 90 days when financing through Ally Financial, up to max term of 75 months. Finance charges begin to accrue on the date customer signs the Retail Installment Sale Contract at the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) disclosed in the
contract. Some customers will not qualify. Price, terms and vehicle availability may vary. This offer may not be combined with factory cash rebates. See your participating dealer for details. Offers valid from 05/01/2020 through 06/01/2020.
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<td style="font-family:verdana, sans-serif; font-size:10px; mso-line-height-rule:exactly; line-height:14px; color:#686d71; padding-bottom: 5px; text-align: left;">
Based on Model Year 2019 Fuel Economy Guide (https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/pdfs/guides/FEG2019.pdf)
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0.0% APR for 60 months (60 monthly payments of $16.67 per $1,000 financed at 0.0% APR) PLUS $1,000 APR Cash Back on all new 2019 Mirage and Mirage G4 models. Available through Ally Financial, subject to approved credit and insurance. Eligible Customers have an option of deferring their first payment up to 90 days when financing through Ally Financial, up to max term of 63 months. Finance charges begin to accrue on the date customer signs the Retail Installment Sale Contract at the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) disclosed in the contract. Some customers will not qualify. Price, terms and vehicle availability may vary. This offer may not be combined with factory cash rebates. See your
participating Mitsubishi dealer for details. Offer valid from 05/01/2020 through 06/01/2020.
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4 years, 10 months ago - MitsubishiMotors@mimet.mmsa.com
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