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   InRoads: The Latest News from Mercedes-Benz
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                               Virtual visit to the Mercedes‑Benz Museum
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                               Mercedes‑Benz &amp;AMP;
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                                Pride 2020
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                                Let's Talk Mercedes
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                               Ambassador Profile: Ludacris
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                                Road trips with
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                              VIRTUAL VISIT
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                           Visit Virtually
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                      When traveling isn't easy, let the attractions come to you. One of the most popular tourist spots in Stuttgart, Germany, is the Mercedes‑Benz Museum, and now you can experience it from anywhere through their interactive portal. Meander through the galleries of all nine levels to view the over 1,500 exhibits — from the very first patented car in the world to the hydrogen‑powered vehicles of today. Amid the pioneers and visionaries on display, it is here where the last of the iconic 107‑series SL is on view. In August of 1989, the final 107‑series SL rolled off the factory line and was transported here to become a part
 of the Mercedes‑Benz Museum collection. This unforgettable two‑seat roadster was manufactured for 18 years and wows museum visitors in person, and now at home.
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                              PRIDE 2020
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                      A time for unity:
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                       Mercedes‑Benz &amp; Pride.
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                      More than uncertain, these times have seen a spectrum of events that took aim to break our spirit. Yet, in the face of adversity, countless moments of bravery shined through every day. While this year's Pride month was unlike any we had ever seen before, positive change continues to move forward. Together with Karamo Brown — three‑time Emmy winner from Netflix's
                       Queer Eye
                      — we're featuring some of the proud couples of our Mercedes‑Benz family. Our commitment to the LGBTQ+ community remains steadfast. We all have an opportunity to stand together and continue pushing toward equality, so let's empower this forward motion with love and support.
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                       Let's Talk Mercedes,
                      <span class="break">
                       a podcast.
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                           Listen Now
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                      Automotive and technology specialist Sarah Yvonne Elsser welcomes you to the world of Mercedes‑Benz with her new podcast,
                       Let's Talk Mercedes.
                      Featuring stories from the people who shape the future of mobility, Elsser and her guests examine topics from sustainable drivetrain technologies to in‑vehicle artificial intelligence and more. Tune into the first episode and hear how Arno van der Merwe, CEO of Beijing Benz Automotive Co., and his team in China dealt with restarting production after COVID‑19.
                       Let's Talk Mercedes
                      is now available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Deezer.
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                              AMBASSADOR PROFILE
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                      Leading with love: Ludacris tackles tough issues for kids.
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                      Having graced the number one spot on album charts, blockbuster movies and television, rapper and actor Ludacris is beginning the next chapter of his remarkable career. In just the last several months — along with releasing a hit single under COVID‑19 lockdown, raising millions to help those in need during this crisis and opening a testing site in Georgia — this longtime Mercedes‑Benz brand ambassador put his energy into creating a new initiative called Kid Nation. Launching in the fall, Ludacris will roll out this new media platform to help teach kids about social issues through entertainment.
 "I'm trying to…enrich the future so [kids] don't have to go through some of the things we're going through right now," he said in a recent interview. His message for this platform and title song "Get Along" is to lead with love, and we look forward to seeing Kid Nation thrive later this year.
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                              CURATED ROAD TRIPS
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                      Hit the road with Mercedes‑Benz.
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                           Book Your Road Trip
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                      Partnering with the Auberge Resorts Collection and Black Tomato, we're excited to announce
                       Take the Open Road,
                      an unforgettable experience of curated road trips. Embark upon your bespoke journey in a Mercedes‑Benz. Your carefully planned itinerary highlights the unique character of each iconic destination: Discover the Gilded Age with a visit to the mansions of Newport, Rhode Island, or make your base camp in Napa, California, at a secluded canyon retreat — all while riding and residing in luxury. Each location is taking rigorous action for enhanced health and safety practices to help ensure the comfort of your stay. Around every bend lies an opportunity to fully experience each location. Engage with local artisans, reconnect with nature, set sail for a whale watching excursion and taste exclusive farm‑to‑fork dining. So, put together your road trip playlist and get
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                          For test drives, service, special pricing and more, your local dealership is ready to help.
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