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         <td class="" style="font-size: 13px;line-height: 18px;font-family: 'regular FF DIN', Arial, sans-serif; color:#002233; text-align: left;">
          Hi Sarah,
          We wanted to give you a heads up about an upcoming webinar we're hosting with Econsultancy on:
          <a style="color: #00AAFF; font-family: 'Regular FF DIN', Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-decoration:underline;" target="_blank">
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            How successful brands are using Creative Automation tools to scale content production in a digital first world
          Our very own CMO Andrew Hally and Econsultancy's Commercial Research Director, Jim Clark, will give real-life examples of how forward thinking brands are adopting new Creative Automation tools and techniques to supply the growing amount of content required for online advertising and personalized digital experiences.
          Join us on
          <span style="font-weight: 600;">
           April 29, 16:00 CET / 15:00 BST
          to find out how you can use the latest Creative Automation tools to:
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             Scale on-brand content production and save 100s of hours of design and creative time
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             Empower non-technical or creative users to create and adapt creative to local markets with ease
            <em style="">
             Safeguard your brand by templating and automating whatโ€™s editable without needing a laborious approval process or creative oversight
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            Register here
          Talk soon,
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