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   Lowe's Email
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                   <img alt="New! Exclusive. $298 Charbroil Performance Series 6-burner gas grill. Valued at $379." data-assetid="63964" src="" style="display: block; width: 100%; padding: 0px; text-align: center; height: auto;" width="100%"/>
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                <img alt="CRAFTSMAN Days are here! Shop savings in-store and online on select CRAFTSMAN products!" data-assetid="63957" src="" style="display: block; width: 100%; padding: 0px; text-align: center; height: auto;" width="600"/>
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               †Save on Select Major Kitchen Appliances + Get up to an additional $1000 OFF NOW with purchase of select Major Kitchen Appliances of $396+ + Brand Instant Savings of 5% when you buy 3 major Kitchen appliances or 10% when you buy 4 or more major Kitchen Appliances  (all from same brand) + $396+ Free local delivery + 12M Financing: $396 calculated after applicable discounts, before taxes, installation, additional delivery fees &amp; extended protection fees, if any. Additional fees may apply. 12M Financing. Save up to an additional $1000 OFF NOW with purchase of qualifying major Kitchen Appliances. Online, price in cart reflects discount. Discount amount varies by
 the total number of major Kitchen Appliances purchased (before taxes, excluding installation, delivery charges and extended protection fees; if any). Discount will be applied proportionally across all eligible items. Buy 2 Qualifying major Kitchen Appliances of $396+: GET $100, Buy 3: GET $300, Buy 4: GET $400, Buy 5: GET $500, Buy 6 or more: GET $1000. The Get up to an additional $1000 OFF NOW offer only valid on following select Brands:  Amana, Bosch, Café, Frigidaire, GE, Haier, Hisense, Hotpoint, KitchenAid, LG, Midea, Samsung, Sharp, Whirlpool (some brands not available in all markets/stores). In addition, receive Brand Instant Savings of 5% when you buy 3 major Kitchen appliances or
 10% when you buy 4 or more major Kitchen Appliances (all from same brand). The Brand Instant Savings include Frigidaire, GE, KitchenAid, LG, Samsung, and Whirlpool brands only. Brand Instant Savings amount is based on appliance price paid (excludes installation, delivery, &amp; extended protection plans, if any) &amp; is calculated before taxes, after applicable discount. The Get up to an additional $1000 OFF NOW can stack with the Brand Instant Savings of 5% when you buy 3 major Kitchen Appliances or 10% when you buy 4 or more major Kitchen Appliances (all from the same brand). All items must be purchased between 5/18/23 – 6/7/23 and be on the same receipt. Exclusions apply. Discount
 cannot be used in conjunction with any (i) other promotion, discount, markdown, coupon, rebate or offer, including any Lowe's volume or special discount programs (such as but not limited to, Contractor Pack, Buy in Bulk, Value Savings Program (“VSP”), Military Discount, Employee Discount, Lowe’s Price Promise, Special Value, New Lower Price, Was:Now, &amp; credit discount offers); or (ii) associate discretion price adjustments. Limit 1 per household or business. Excludes clearance items; floor care and small appliances; laundry; water heaters; or room air conditioners. Redeemable in-store, on, and mobile applications only. Not valid on:; any Lowe’s
 branded website operated by a 3rd party; previous sales; or multiple transactions to apartments, builders, condominiums, subdivisions, and wholesalers. Customer must pay applicable sales tax. Some items available via special order only. Offer applies to select items only. See or associate for more details and qualifying items. Valid 5/18/23 - 6/7/23. U.S. only. Selection varies by location. While supplies last.
               Save on Select Major Laundry Appliances + Get an additional $100 OFF NOW with purchase of pair of select Major Laundry Appliances of $1396+: Get an additional $100 OFF NOW with purchase select major Laundry pairs $1396+. The minimum purchase quantity is 2 totaling $1396 (before taxes, excluding installation, delivery charges and extended protection fees; if any). Discount will be applied proportionally across all eligible items. Offer only valid on select Brands:  Amana, Electrolux, GE, LG, Maytag, Midea, Miele, Samsung, Whirlpool. Excludes WashTowers and Laundry Centers. Online, price in cart reflects discount. All items must be purchased between 5/18/23 – 6/7/23 and be on the same
 receipt. Exclusions apply. Discount cannot be used in conjunction with any (i) other promotion, discount, markdown, coupon, rebate or offer, including any Lowe's volume or special discount programs (such as but not limited to, Contractor Pack, Buy in Bulk, Value Savings Program (“VSP”), Military Discount, Employee Discount, Lowe’s Price Promise, Special Value, New Lower Price, Was:Now, &amp; credit discount offers); or (ii) associate discretion price adjustments. Limit 1 per household or business. Redeemable in-store, on, and mobile applications only. Not valid on:; any Lowe’s branded website operated by a 3rd party; previous sales; clearance sales or
 multiple transactions to apartments, builders, condominiums, subdivisions, and wholesalers. Customer must pay applicable sales tax. Some items available via special order only. See or associate for details. Valid 5/18/23 - 6/7/23. U.S. only. Selection varies by location. While supplies last. Purchase a Bosch Dishwasher and Lowe's basic installation to receive up to a $300 rebate for Lowes’s basic installation in the form of a Bosch Visa® Prepaid card when you submit via mail-in or online. Dishwasher install is only valid for the SHX84AAF5N, SHS843AF5N, SHXM4AY55N, SHE3AR76UC, SHEM3AY55N, SHE3AR72UC and SHE3AR75UC models. All items must be purchased between 5/18/23 – 6/7/23 and be
 on the same receipt. The mail-in Rebate applies to items that require install services (not all appliances require install services). Offer excludes clearance items, previous sales, and EPP. Rebate equal to cost of basic installation (and in form of Bosch Visa® Prepaid Card). Existing electric &amp; plumbing must be present at point of install. More fees may apply (e.g., removal &amp; haul away, delivery, permit fees, custom work, additional mileage, and/or electrician labor, etc.) Limit 1 per household or business. Subject to installer availability. May not be available in your area and is limited to single family residences. This offer can be combined with any other Bosch authorized
 rebates or bundles. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any (i) other promotion, discount, markdown, coupon, rebate or offer, including any Lowe's volume or special discount programs (such as but not limited to, Contractor Pack, Buy in Bulk, Value Savings Program (“VSP”), Military Discount, Employee Discount, Lowe’s Price Promise, Special Value, New Lower Price, Was:Now, &amp; credit discount offers); or (ii) associate discretion price adjustments. Redeemable in-store, on, and mobile applications only. See associate or for more details. For mail-in submissions, allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of your Bosch Visa® Prepaid card. Rebate forms must be mailed or
 submitted online to on or before July 7, 2023. Please keep a copy of rebate material submitted for your records. Purchasers can contact the support line at 1-888-771-8345 for assistance if needed. Valid 5/18/23 – 6/7/23. U.S only. Selection varies by location. Whiles supplies last.
               CREDIT FINANCING PROMOTION DETAILS: Offers subject to credit approval. Special Financing &amp; discount offers can’t be combined. If your purchase or order is over the minimum purchase required, you will be asked to select the offer you would like. We reserve the right to discontinue or alter the terms of these offers any time.
               (1)*5% Off Your Lowe’s® Advantage Card Purchase: Get 5% off your eligible purchase or order charged to your Lowe’s Advantage Card. Valid for purchases in US stores and on 5% discount will be applied after all other applicable discounts. Customer must pay applicable sales tax. Offer can’t be used in conjunction with or on: (i) other credit-related promotional offers; (ii) any other promotion, discount, markdown, coupon/barcode, rebate or offer, including any Lowe’s volume or special discount programs (such as but not limited to, Contractor Pack, Buy in Bulk, Value Savings Program (“VSP”), Special Value, New Lower Price, Was: Now, Military Discount, Employee Discount, and Lowe’s
 Price Promise); (iii) associate discretion price adjustments; (iv) any services (such as but not limited to, rentals; extended protection/replacement plans; shipping, delivery, assembly or installation fees); (v) fees or taxes; (vi) previous sales; (vii) gift cards; or (viii) Weber or Kichler products. Excludes Lowe’s® Business Credit Accounts, Lowe’s® Visa® Accounts and all Lowe’s® Canada Credit Accounts.
               (2) **No Interest if Paid in Full within 6 Months. Offer applies to purchase or order of $299 or more on your Lowe’s® Advantage Card. Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date if the promotional purchase is not paid in full within 6 months. Minimum monthly payments required.* **No interest will be assessed on the promotional purchase if you pay the promotional purchase in full within 6 months from the purchase date. If you do not, interest will be assessed on the promotional purchase from the purchase date. Depending on purchase amount, promotion length, and payment allocation, the required minimum monthly payment may or may not pay off purchase by end of promotional
 period. Some or all of the minimum payment based on the promotional balance may be applied to other account balances. Regular account terms apply to non-promotional purchases and, after promotion ends, to promotional purchases.
               ***For new accounts: As of 5/1/2023 Standard APR is 26.99%. Minimum interest charge is $2.00. Existing cardholders should see their credit card agreement for their applicable terms. Only one credit related promotional offer can be applied to any one item on a sales receipt. The “purchase date” for an item is the date it is charged to your account. Your account will be charged immediately for an item, unless otherwise provided on your order sales receipt.
               Excludes Lowe’s® Business Credit Accounts, Lowe’s® Visa Accounts and all Lowe’s® Canada Credit Accounts.
               ǂValid through 5/31. Buy One Get One 50% Off on Select Interior and Exterior Paint and Exterior Stain: Buy 2 eligible cans or pails (110-128 or 580-640-fl oz) of HGTV Home® by Sherwin-Williams Interior and Exterior Paint, Valspar® Interior and Exterior Paint and Exterior Stains, STAINMASTER Paint, and Cabot® Exterior Stains &amp; get Lowe’s gift card via rebate equal to 50% off the lowest priced item (before taxes &amp; after applicable discounts). Must purchase in increments of 2 to receive discount (e.g. If 3 eligible items are purchased, discount will be applied to the lowest price item only). See rebate form for complete list of eligible products. Offer excludes clearance and mistints &amp; can’t
 be combined with any other offer, promotion, discount, or coupon, including but not limited to any quotes, or volume or special price discounts. Rebate form(s) must be submitted online or via mail on or before 30 days after the promotion ends. Allow 8 weeks for processing. See for more details.
               ΔRebate is on Stainmaster Luxury Vinyl Plank only when Lowe’s Installation is sold with the product. Rebate excludes labor, transitions, underlayment, and all products other than the flooring itself. Offer limited to single-family residence, not available in all areas; not valid on previous purchases. Minimum labor charges may apply. More fees and restrictions apply. Installation services guaranteed by Lowe’s labor warranty &amp; available through independent contractors, licensed, &amp; registered where applicable. License numbers &amp; certifications held by or on behalf of Lowe’s Home Centers, LLC. See for current &amp; additional license numbers.
               Free Flooring Measurement: No obligation to purchase installation services. Valid on carpet, hardwood, laminate, vinyl and tyle. Valued at $35. Additional mileage fee may apply over 20 miles from store. Subject to installer availability.
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