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   Although February may be the shortest month of the year, our team has been hard at work releasing updates to improve Mixpanel.
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                             March 10, 2023
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                          What's new in Mixpanel?
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                         Although February may be the shortest month of the year, our team has been hard at work releasing updates to improve Mixpanel. We're excited to share some additional ways you can integrate Mixpanel into your workflows, as well as a new method for calculating your retention metrics.
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                         <div class="mktoText" id="blog-hero__headingbf2f35f6-bae2-452c-9fda-4b64f9f62325" style="display: block;">
                          Integrations with Notion, Figma, Coda, &amp; more
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                        <div class="mktoText" id="blog-hero__paragrapha80900b1-093b-413a-8dc3-0c38078bbed2">
                         You can now embed Mixpanel across your favorite product tools like Figma, Coda, Notion, Jira, Miro, and more. Specifically, Mixpanel Boards and reports can be embedded in any third party tool that supports embedding, unlocking integrations with many apps at no additional cost.
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                         <div class="mktoText" id="blog-hero__heading2f9938bf-cefb-4848-bbfd-ffd7e6fb0a65" style="display: block;">
                          Calculate retention on your own terms
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                        <div class="mktoText" id="blog-hero__paragrapha76f9d0d-e846-4ec7-9b6b-0b64462a4efc">
                         We’ve recently shipped Calendar Retention, a new way to calculate retention based on a calendar interval (Monday → Tuesday, June → July) instead of a time window. All it takes is one click to start tracking retention metrics that better fit your business’s need.
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                          How are we doing?
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                         Please keep us informed on your experience with Mixpanel by
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                          filling out this 1 question survey.
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