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   InRoads: The Latest News from Mercedes-Benz
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                                Travel locally: Austin, Texas
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                              MOTORTREND CAR OF THE YEAR®
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                      MotorTrend’s 2021 Car of the Year® is the 2021 E‑Class.
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                           Explore the E‑Class
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                      Crème de la crème, top of the heap, crown jewel or simply the best of the best. Call it what you wish — it is our honor for the 2021 E‑Class family to be named this year’s MotorTrend Car of the Year®. What does it take to rise above the rest? MotorTrend bestows their “Golden Calipers” award by examining vehicles in an intense 10‑day evaluation process, measuring excellence using six key criteria:
                        Advancement in Design
                        Engineering Excellence
                        Performance of Intended Function
                      Each facet determines the vehicle’s worthiness for such automotive prestige. In total, 30 vehicle variants were submitted for testing, and the Mercedes‑Benz E‑Class stood apart. We could toot our own horn, but MotorTrend said it best, “The E‑Class delivers on every front you can think of — both from a passenger's view and from the driver's. What stands out here is how excellent this chassis is — it speaks for what Mercedes engineers were going after, and they delivered in a perfect package." Every millimeter of precise engineering and fastidious design are what we do at Mercedes‑Benz, and we are humbled to receive such an esteemed honor.
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                      The Consumer Electronics Show (CES), an event that sets the global stage for new technology, had its first‑ever all‑digital presentation this year. While circumstances made it like none other before, CES did not disappoint. And neither did we. Unveiling the next chapter in the interaction between vehicle and driver, comes the world premiere of the Mercedes‑Benz User Experience (MBUX) Hyperscreen. This zero‑layer interface takes vehicle functions, infotainment and artificial intelligence to new dimensions. Helping reduce the need to scroll submenus or provide voice commands, most essential applications — charging,
 entertainment, phone, navigation, connectivity, massage and more — can be available given the situation and displayed within the driver’s field of vision. Stretching from door‑to‑door, the 56" curved glass instrument panel seamlessly merges three screens, benefiting not only the driver, but the front passenger as well by providing their own display screen. The MBUX Hyperscreen is expected to make its global premiere in our upcoming, top‑of‑the‑line, all‑new electric 2022 Mercedes‑Benz EQS. Until then, visit the Mercedes me media page for details and sign up for EQ email updates from Mercedes‑Benz.
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                      It was forty years ago last month, in 1980, that a call for safer automobiles propelled Mercedes‑Benz to introduce airbags into our passenger vehicles. It began small, only available as an option in the S‑Class Sedan 126 series. But soon, it became evident that this new feature would become an invaluable life‑saving innovation. By 1992, the driver’s airbag became standard in all models, with the passenger side airbag following shortly after. In parallel, the belt tensioner innovated seat belt safety. Triggered by the same sensors as the airbag, this development can help restrain passengers in place within milliseconds of a
 collision. Safety innovations have come a long way in just a few short decades. Since our beginnings in 1886, our commitment to develop the most advanced safety features has not only helped saved lives, but often set the standard in the automotive industry. Our latest airbag innovation — the world's first frontal airbag for rear‑seat passengers — debuts in the all‑new 2021 S‑Class rolling into dealerships soon.
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                      State‑of‑the‑art technology. Genuine Mercedes‑Benz Parts. A range of convenient, time‑saving options. See for yourself what sets Mercedes‑Benz service apart from the rest. Many of our dealerships work with HoloLens technology — a mixed reality headset device that allows technicians to collaborate with other experts in real time to pinpoint complex issues and reduce live interaction and onsite visits.¹ And now, with convenient options such as Express Service, Mobile Service by Mercedes‑Benz, pick‑up &amp; delivery and night drop‑offs, Mercedes‑Benz is at the ready to serve our
 customers. Contact your local
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                      to learn all the ways Mercedes‑Benz is here for you.
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                              AUSTIN, TEXAS
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                      Travel locally &amp; responsibly: Austin, Texas.
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                      If everything is bigger in Texas, then the Commodore Perry Estate in Austin has space to make memories. This 10‑acre oasis pairs European elegance with Texas hospitality for an unforgettable retreat. Enjoy a Sunday picnic of local ingredients prepared by the in‑house, award‑winning chef or cozy up for an evening by a private firepit with s’mores and craft cocktails. During your stay, pick up the keys to a Mercedes‑Benz² for a daytrip around town. Visit the clear water of Barton Springs to swim or Town Lake to paddleboard and kayak. Take a stroll through the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
 or a hike up Mount Bonnell for stunning views of the Colorado River and the city below.
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