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        Happy Mother’s Day! For the moms out there—and for anyone who juggles countless daily responsibilities—here are some tips on building the life you dream of. Read on and start prioritizing your passions at home, at the office, and beyond.
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      Be a successful leader—on your terms
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      with Whitney Wolfe Herd, founder and executive chair of Bumble
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      Reimagine and revive your living space
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     <span style="font: normal 16px/24px Arial; text-align: center;">
      with Shea McGee, Emmy-nominated television host and home renovation expert
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      Impress your guests with homemade ragù
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     <span style="font: normal 16px/24px Arial; text-align: center;">
      with Massimo Bottura, chef patron of three-Michelin-starred Osteria Francescana
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      Instructor Spotlight
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      Whitney Wolfe Herd
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     <p style="font: normal 16px/24px Arial; letter-spacing: 0.02em; text-align: left; margin: 0; color: #000000;">
      The founder and former CEO of revolutionary dating app Bumble broke all the business rules on her way to the top, evolving from a scrappy startup founder to the youngest self-made woman billionaire. She can help you channel your inner disrupter, market your brand (or yourself) like a maverick, and redefine the rules of success.
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    <td style="padding: 5px 15px 5px; background: #FFFEF2; color: #000000;">
     <span style="font: bold 20px/28px Arial; text-align: left;">
      What you’ll do:
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       <li style="font: normal 16px/24px Arial; margin: 0 0 5px;">
        Find and serve untapped markets.
       <li style="font: normal 16px/24px Arial; margin: 0 0 5px;">
        Create noisy marketing campaigns.
       <li style="font: normal 16px/24px Arial; margin: 0 0 5px;">
        Assess risk and make confident decisions.
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      Calling all pasta lovers
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     <p style="font: normal 16px/24px Arial; letter-spacing: 0.02em; text-align: left; margin: 0; max-width:420px;">
      Use this exclusive recipe card to make a truly next-level pasta: tagliatelle (a ribbon-shaped variety) mingled with tender cubes of slow-cooked beef. This dish will have your guests begging for seconds—and bring you one step closer to kitchen greatness.
      Become a MasterClass member today.
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      Need a Mother’s Day gift? Try this
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     <p style="font: normal 16px/22px Arial; color: #000000; letter-spacing: 0.02em; text-align: left; margin: 0; max-width:420px;">
      Make the moms in your life a gorgeous bouquet with renowned Bloom &amp; Plume founder Maurice Harris. His work has been featured everywhere from Beyoncé’s film
       Black Is King
      to Nike ad campaigns, so you can rest assured that an arrangement made with his help will bring that wow factor.
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         Watch Now
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      From our instructors
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      Your next binge read:
       Going Infinite
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      Michael Lewis, author of bestsellers like
      and host of a new MasterClass series, packs his timely crypto epic with powerful insights on finance, business, law, and more. Get your copy today!
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