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   Mr Jonas, 100% extra in our 100th year
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            Mr Jonas
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                     Tier Points:
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                    <span class="font11">
                     Lifetime Tier Points:
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           Seeing double? Get 100% bonus Avios this year
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              Dear Mr Jonas,
               2019 sees us celebrate 100 years of flying, something we're proud of. We wouldn't have achieved this remarkable milestone without you, so we're saying thank you with a special offer.
               Register today to:
               • Collect 100% bonus Avios on up to six flights flown before the end of 2019
               • Complete six flights and unlock an extra reward of 2019 Avios - a treat on us
               Simply take a moment to register and book by 19 April, and fly within our centenary year.
               Wherever you choose to travel, make your 2019 as special as ours.
             <td align="center" class="paddMSO" data-iscollapsible="true" data-maxchar="27" data-minchar="1" data-modelement="CTA" data-modtype="copy" style="padding:19px 0 0px;" valign="bottom">
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                       Register now
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                 <img alt="BRITISH AIRWAYS 100" height="43" src="" style="display:block; border:none; outline:none; text-decoration:none;" width="150"/>
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            Full terms and conditions apply
           This promotion is only open to Eligible Participants. An Eligible Participant is a British Airways (“BA”) Executive Club Member, aged 18 or over.
           To participate in this promotion, Eligible Participants must, before booking, register for the offer by following the "Register now" link provided on the online
            registration page
           supplied by BA and complete the registration process on the same webpage. Eligible Participants must then book during the Promotional Period: 21 March to 19 April 2019 and fly during the Travel Period: 21 March to 31 December 2019 23.59 GMT.
           A Qualifying Flight is either a one-way (single sector) or a return flight (two sectors) between the point of departure and final destination with no scheduled change of aircraft that must be booked after the Member has registered. Members can receive 100% bonus Avios on up to six single sector Qualifying Flights.
           A Qualifying flight is (i) a BA prefix on any selling class (excluding reward flights or upgrades using Avios) or cabin on any BA operated service, or (ii) any flight included as part of a British Airways Holiday package, and (iii) a BA prefix on a transatlantic flight operated by British Airways (BA), American Airlines (AA), Iberia (IB) or Finnair (AY) between Europe and North America. The promotion also applies to travel on domestic flights within the UK and southern Africa (operated by Comair), Sunnair and CityFlyer. Any other flights operated by any other BA franchises, codeshare partners or oneworld alliance members will not qualify.
           The Eligible Participant can collect 100% bonus Avios on up to six sectors and will be awarded after each Qualifying Flight has been completed. Eligible Participants who register, book and complete six or more Qualifying Flights will receive an additional 2019 bonus Avios once the sixth sector has been completed.
           All Qualifying Flights are carried by BA in accordance with its
            General Conditions of Carriage for Passengers and Baggage
           and its Notice and Conditions of Contract as stated on each ticket or itinerary as provided.
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