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   Much to look forward to: the all-new 2021 GLA and more
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   InRoads: The Latest News from Mercedes-Benz
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                         InRoads: The Latest News from Mercedes-Benz
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                               2021 GLA SUV
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                               Meet us on the 'gram
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                      Joining the fight.
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                      Here at home and across the globe, we're finding ways to help in the COVID‑19 relief effort. In record time, the Formula 1 engineers at Mercedes‑AMG High Performance Powertrains in the U.K. began producing breathing aids to help keep patients out of intensive care. In the U.S., some of our dealers are providing assistance for medical professionals with complementary full tanks of gas, oil changes and routine services directly at their local hospitals. Meanwhile, many dealers are offering vehicle pick‑up and delivery options and contact‑free at‑home vehicle maintenance and repairs.
                      We will continue putting forth our greatest effort to pitch in everywhere we can. And we hope this finds you healthy and well. Click
                      <a style="color: #176db7; text-decoration: none;" target="_blank">
                      to learn more.
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                              2021 GLA SUV
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                      Here's to hitting the town again.
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                           Explore the GLA
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                      Rolling onto the pavement this summer comes the all‑new 2021 GLA 250 SUV. Sized to be as adventuresome as you are, the next generation of our GLA covers every base. We designed this crossover vehicle with sporty lines and DYNAMIC SELECT driving modes that are complemented by advanced safety features like the available Active Brake Assist to help detect approaching obstacles. This stunner sits at a higher vantage point with a new roof‑pillar design to expand visibility, for even more confidence on the road. Experience the GLA for yourself, and get behind the wheel of our most innovative and compact SUV yet. Because it's not the
 destination, it's the vehicle you choose for the journey.
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                                Explore the GLA
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                      The role we play in helping to create a more sustainable future lies within the engineering of our vehicles. At Mercedes‑Benz, we have devised a corporate strategy called AMBITION2039 to create a carbon‑neutral fleet of passenger vehicles across the globe within the next 20 years. Solidifying our initial goal to "first move the world," it is within our DNA to invent, innovate and evolve for progress. As consumers and third‑party manufacturers meet on the same axis, it is up to us to provide the engineering that propels us toward the future of mobility. That means tapping into wind power for carbon‑neutral production, using
 renewable resources and recycling raw materials. One hundred and thirty years ago, Carl Benz couldn't have known what his invention would become. Today, we have the power to shape his vision into a forward‑thinking generation of drivers, helping to ensure every generation ahead can continue exploring this beautiful planet of ours.
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                      "Hey Mercedes, when will it stop raining?" you ask. The good news is adverse weather is no match for the technology behind our 4MATIC all‑wheel drive. 4MATIC conquers puddles, ice and loose gravel without breaking a sweat. The 4MATIC technology within our SUVs and sedans alike comes fully integrated within the drivetrain, and safety and assistance systems, too. Channeling the engine torque to both front and rear wheels delivers sporty agile handling. And when surface friction changes, it can react instantly for a renewed sense of confidence. Conquer all surfaces with available 4MATIC all‑wheel drive in your
 next Mercedes‑Benz.
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