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The new work ‘trip’ • Hair discrimination policy • The Chief AI Officer…
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April 23, 2024
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’s take on the latest work trends - sent on Tuesdays
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Inside this issue
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Workplace trends
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The AI corner
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Presenting new company policies to your team
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Water cooler chatter
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Question of the week
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Just for laughs
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Follow the
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weekly on
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Workplace trends
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Work ‘trips’ may soon take on a new meaning
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With depression alone resulting in 200 million lost workdays annually, per the CDC, and mental health emerging as a top concern among workers, according to a recent SHRM survey, companies have started to explore innovative ways to support their employees’ well-being. The latest addition? A small, but growing number of U.S. companies have started to offer psychedelic therapy in their health benefit packages to bolster the happiness and productivity of their employees and lower long-term health costs. In 2023, nearly a fifth of American employers claimed to have invested in psychedelic-assisted therapy solutions to support the mental health of their employees, according to NFP, a benefits consulting firm, and many experts think this is only the beginning for this mental health resource.
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France is moving towards banning hair discrimination
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France is poised to make history as the first country to outlaw hair discrimination. Though the Civil Rights Act protects individuals from race-based discrimination, it does not explicitly prevent hair-based discrimination, which disproportionately affects black women. In fact, according to research by Dove and LinkedIn, black women are more than twice as likely to face scrutiny over their hair's "professionalism" than any other group. That’s why this bill was proposed as an amendment to existing laws in an effort to address employers who discriminate against individuals based on the texture, length, color, or style of their hair. While it has received praise for challenging the Eurocentric expectations around professionalism, experts are skeptical the bill will pass considering the conservative-leaning Senate.
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The AI corner
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The hottest new job in the C-Suite? The Chief AI Officer
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AI technology may take over some components of our jobs, but it’s also adding new positions, such as the Chief AI Officer (CAIO). The role of the CAIO focuses on guiding companies through the risks and opportunities brought on by generative AI, including strategies to enhance business processes, generate new revenue streams, and ensure ethical adherence. And despite not even existing a few years ago, these new C-level positions are rapidly popping up in early-stage startups and more established enterprises. According to Foundry’s 2023 AI Priorities Study, 11% of mid to large-size organizations already have a CAIO, and another 21% are actively seeking one. Many federal agencies are now required to name a CAIO. As companies continue to feel the need for more specialized leadership and knowledge to guide them through the AI landscape, many believe CAIOs are a must.
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Should Big Tech really be regulating AI?
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With AI on track to become a global market of $1.8 trillion by 2030, many AI experts worry that Big Tech companies stand to make too much profit to be considered impartial regulators. That’s why, much like how society views climate change, many see AI development as a global issue that demands clear government-led guardrails that cannot be left to individual companies to tackle in isolation. Even AI executives seem to agree that AI policy should come from the top, with the likes of Sam Altman and Elon Musk joining the masses calling for government intervention. However, these AI leaders also continue to emphasize the need for a flexible AI policy framework that still encourages innovation and significant technological advancements.
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Presenting new company policies to your team
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As the workplace becomes increasingly more dynamic post-pandemic, business strategies may shift and new company policies will inevitably unfold. From stricter in-office attendance requirements to more rigid work-from-abroad guidelines to less flexible working hours, and more, many of these changes won’t be universally embraced by employees – and you, yourself, might not be too thrilled about them either.
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Unfortunately, when not presented the right way, certain policy changes can lead your team members to wind up resenting you and your organization, which could harm motivation, loyalty, and retention. As the manager, navigating these updates requires care and finesse. You need to be able to convey the message in a way that acknowledges the challenges, assures your team that you advocate for their interests, and emphasizes your trust in leadership.
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While balancing it all is no easy feat, there are some actions you can take to get it right:
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Try to state your case
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As a manager, you need to be the voice for your team members when they’re not in the room, which means that when there’s a new policy on the table that you don’t agree with or think will have adverse effects on your employees, it’s important to respectfully state your case. Share the potential risks you foresee with the policy decision-makers so that they understand the full scope and can address your specific concerns. This way, even if they decide to ultimately move forward with the policy, you can show your employees that you have their backs and effectively reiterate the explanations you were given.
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Come prepared
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Before sharing new policies with your team, make sure that you thoroughly understand the rationale behind them, because your team members will likely have questions. Try to anticipate the concerns they may raise – from when these policies take effect to how they will impact their work – and be ready with clear, concise explanations or solutions. Of course, there may be questions you’ll need to get back to them on, but try your best to demonstrate a proactive approach to these shifts to instill confidence and effectively address their apprehensions about the changes.
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Acknowledge the challenges
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Make it clear to your employees that you truly care about them and their personal experiences. If you initially had reservations about the change, share this openly in a way that validates their initial reactions while also recognizing the reasons behind the new policy. Emphasize that these changes will require everyone, including you, to make adjustments, and acknowledge that it's a process that will take time. When you approach the situation with empathy and transparency, you send the message that you care about your team and are in this together.
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Encourage openness
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Take the time to explain the logic and recognize the benefits of this policy, both for the company and for your team, and encourage them to keep an open mind. They may not love the idea right now, but emphasize that it’s important that they give it a chance. Try to highlight the value you already foresee these changes bringing your team to set the right tone. It can be helpful to share examples of past changes that your team has gotten used to and come to appreciate as a way to support your point.
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Try to be flexible
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If the latest policy update allows for some degree of flexibility on your end, do your best to be accommodating – there may be ways to cater to your team members’ needs without compromising the core objectives of the policy. For example, if your company is requiring a full return-to-office, perhaps you can be a bit flexible about arrival and departure times when you know you have team members with extremely long commutes or who need to pick their children up from school. Make it clear that you have their backs and will do your best to be understanding when possible.
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Check in on your team
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Transitions are not always easy and often require an adjustment period, so remember to check in with your team members. Grab a few minutes in the early days of the policy changes to see how they’re feeling, understand obstacles, and offer meaningful support.
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Water cooler chatter
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To receive a work visa in New Zealand, “low-skilled” applicants are now required to speak English.
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In an effort to curb near-record immigration to New Zealand, which saw 173,000 new immigrants on their shores in 2023, the country is also reducing their permitted stay from five years to three.
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“We need to ensure that New Zealanders are put to the front of the line for jobs where there are no skills shortages.”
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- Erica Stanford,
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New Zealand’s Minister of Immigration
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Hundreds of drugs are in short supply around the US.
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Since the start of 2024, there have been a record 323 medication shortages, according to the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. It’s a high-stakes game, with doctors being forced to prescribe alternatives that are often inferior to Plan A treatments.
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“Some of the most worrying shortages involve generic sterile injectable medications, including cancer chemotherapy drugs and emergency medications stored in hospital crash carts and procedural areas."
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- Statement by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
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Question of the week
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Last week’s answer:
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To check out last week’s question,
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click here
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This week’s question
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: What percentage of Gen Z workers are happy at work?
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Just for laughs
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