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                                                          WHAT'S NEW
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                                                           ClickUpdates 2.119
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                                   New Features
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                                             Docs In Sidebar on Mobile
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                                           <p class="dark-mode_white-text" style="margin: 0; padding: 0;">
                                            Docs are now available in the Sidebar on Mobile! We've extended the same Space &amp; Folder hierarchy you're already familiar to Mobile, so all of your important Docs like SOPs, Company Processes, and How-Tos are quickly accessible. Easily create Docs right from the Sidebar, too!
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                                             Better Templates for More Productivity
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                                           <p class="dark-mode_white-text" style="margin: 0; padding: 0;">
                                            We've updated over 50 templates to help teams across marketing, product, IT, HR and more work smarter and faster. Check them out today to kickstart your productivity!
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                                             Editable Text Widgets on Mobile Dashboards
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                                           <p class="dark-mode_white-text" style="margin: 0; padding: 0;">
                                            We've added Editable Text Widgets to Mobile Dashboards so you can customize your Dashboards on the go with rich text and images!
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                                             Quick View Notifications on Mobile Home Page
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                                           <p class="dark-mode_white-text" style="margin: 0; padding: 0;">
                                            New notifications on Mobile now show up on the Home Screen with a red dot on the bell icon located in the upper right of the screen. No more navigating to the Sidebar to reveal notifications!
                                          <td height="4" style="font-size: 4px; line-height: 4px;">
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                                             Guests Can Now Recover Items from Trash
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                                           <p class="dark-mode_white-text" style="margin: 0; padding: 0;">
                                            When a Guest accidentally deletes something, they can now access the Trash to restore it! Don't worry, they can't permanently delete items, and their view is still limited to only items they've deleted.
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                                             Learn more
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                                    Upcoming Webinars
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