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              **Subject to credit approval. Your new Gap Inc. credit card must be used as sole payment type. Not responsible for lost or stolen codes. No adjustments to previous purchases.
               EXTRA 20% OFF:
              Open a new GapCard account online to receive a 20% off discount code valid for one time use online at or in the U.S. (including Puerto Rico) only. Not valid in stores or at other Gap Inc. brands. Code expires at 11:59p PT 30 days from date of account open. Excludes shipping, gift cards, and taxes. Only one account opening discount per Account. Discount can be combined with only one other offer in a single transaction. To redeem, enter code at checkout. Discount value will be equally spread across all eligible items in the transaction. A different account opening offer may be available in-store.
               FREE SHIPPING:
              Offer valid for one time use on an order made using your GapCard placed at or This offer is valid on shipping to your order’s first “ship to” address, anywhere in the U.S. (including Puerto Rico). If you choose another shipping option additional charges will apply. Orders must be shipped to a single address. Select the 5-7 day shipping option.
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              If you have any questions about our privacy policy, contact our customer service center via email at
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              or call us at 1-800-GAP-STYLE (1-800-427-7895) option 4. You may also contact us by postal mail at Customer Services, 6007 Green Pointe Drive, Groveport, OH 43125.
              © 2020 Gap Inc.
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