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           Updates effective on December 23, 2019 |
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              Squarespace’s Terms of Service (including our Developer Terms of Use) and Privacy Policy are getting an update effective December 23, 2019. We’re making these changes to keep pace with our expanded product offerings and to ensure that we continue to be transparent about our practices. These updates also address the new requirements under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Please be sure to read the updated
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               Terms of Service
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               Developer Terms
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               Privacy Policy
              Here are a few important things to know about the changes:
                While all customers will continue to have the same choices over their personal information (and that of your visitors to your Squarespace sites), we made some changes to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service to meet CCPA requirements.
                We also made changes to our Terms of Service to cover our expanded product offerings, including to restructure our Developer Terms and add a new
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                 Developer Policy.
                The Developer Terms and Developer Policy clarify our expectations for developers who build tools and products for use by our customers.
               By continuing to use our services on or after December 23, 2019, you indicate your agreement with each of the updated and new terms and policies that are effective as of that date.
              If you don’t agree to any of the updated or new terms and policies, you should stop using our services and close your account.
              We hope you’ll find these updated and new terms and policies beneficial, but if you have any feedback, please feel free to
              <a style="text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold; color: #333333;" target="_blank">
               contact us
              . We’ll review all feedback we receive on the matter, and will take action as appropriate. Keep in mind that we may not be able to respond to these requests individually.
              Overall, you should not experience any change in how you use Squarespace’s products and services, and our platform will continue to provide you with the experience you’ve come to know and trust.
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              SQUARESPACE 225 VARICK ST. NY, NY 10014
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